The cyst was surgically removed but the facial nerve was preserve.AnkurDepartmentGadodiaDepartmentBhallaDepartmentAshuDepartmentSeithDepartmentSharmaDepartmentRajuDepartmentEBSCO_AspEnt Ear Nose & Throat JournalAnkur, G., Bhalla, A.S., Sharma, R. First branchial cleft cyst (type II). Ear Nose Throat ...
Case 2 and Case 4 came from the same family. In this family, 7 out of 31 members of four generations had second branchial cleft fistulas, of which 4 were bilateral and 3 were right. Pedigree analysis was consistent with autosomal dominant inheritance. No deafness, preauricular tag, external...
[4] RohJL,SungMW,Kim KH,etal.Treat mentofbranchialcleftcystwithintracystic injectionofOK 432[J].ActaOto Laryn gologica,2006,126(5):510 514. (收稿日期:2021 06 05) (本文编辑:杨泽平) http-equiv="content-type"
A branchial cleft cyst of fourth pouch origin[J]. J Pediatr Surg, 1972,7(1):82. DOI: 10.1016/0022-3468(72)90421-6 . 返回引文位置Google Scholar 百度学术 万方数据 [2] 郑继翠,朱琳琳,肖现民,等. 内镜辅助治疗儿童梨状窝瘘13年随访:单中心147例报道[J]. 中华小儿外科杂志 2014;6(35):410-...
Branchial arch defects, Branchial arch syndrome X-linked, Branchiooculofacial syndrome, Branchiootic syndrome, Branchiootorenal syndrome, Breast cancer childhood, Breast cancer male, Brenner tumor of ovary, Brenner tumor of the vagina, Brittle bone syndrome lethal type, Brittle cornea syndrome, Broad...
The case highlights the need to consider the diagnosis of first branchial cleft anomaly especially in the presence of cysts and sinuses within the region of the parotid and the upper neck. Complete surgical excision would be the mainstay of treatment to prevent future recurrence....
Type II First Branchial Cleft Cyst: A Case Report with Review of Literature. Somashekara K G,Babu K G Sudarshan,Lakshmi S,Geethamani V,Yashaswi R G,Srinivas C V. Indian journal of otolaryngology and head and neck surgery : official publication of the Association of Otolaryngologists of ...
Type II first branchial cleft cyst:a case report with review of literature. Somashekara K G,Babu K G S,Lakshmi S, et al. Indian Journal of Otolaryngology andHead&Neck Surgery . 2011Somashekara KG, Sudarshan Babu K, Lakshmi S, et al - Type II First branchial cleft cyst: a case ...
Work type II first branchial cleft anomalies must be included in the differential diagnosis for head and neck masses above the level of the hyoid bone. Preoperative imaging, more so than FNA, can confirm the diagnosis. Improved diagnosis can ensure the appropriate surgical approach, and decrease ...
Type-I branchial cleft cyst is a rare condition with a significant risk of misdiagnosis. To avert misdiagnosis and surgical complications, thorough investigation must be performed prior to surgical intervention.doi:10.18203/2349-2902.isj20214030Ramesh Mahadev Tambat...