The Type I supernova 1983n in NGC 5236 (M 83) was unusual because the 6115 A absorption feature normally associated with the Type I maximum-light spectrum was missing and the absolute luminosity was down by 1.4 mag compared with the normal Type I, even though the shape of the optical lig...
Type 1a: The Other Type of SupernovaJ. MillerThe Winnower
The single-degenerate model is currently a favourable progenitor model for Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia). Recent investigations on the WD + He star channel of the single-degenerate model imply that this channel is noteworthy for producing SNe Ia. In this paper we studied SN Ia birthrates and...
In this work, we will be testing four different general f(R) -gravity models, two of which are the more realistic models (namely the Starobinsky and the Hu鈥揝awicki models), to determine if they are viable alternative models to pursue a more vigorous constraining test upon them. For ... OPEN A likely inverse-Compton emission from the Type IIb SN 2013df received: 10 December 2015 accepted: 07 July 2016 Published: 02 August 2016 K. L. Li1,2 & A. K. H. Kong1 The inverse-Compton X-ray emission model for supernovae has been ...
This SN is a recent bright Type-Ia supernova (SN Ia) that occurred in the spiral galaxy M101. One of the closest and brightest SNe Ia in the last 40 yrs, the SN was discovered in Aug, 2011, by the PTF (Nugent et al. 2011). SNe Ia occur in binary systems in which a degenerate...
The super-hot turbulent-current layer (SHTCL) theory offers an attractive opportunity for laboratory and astrophysical applications of the magnetic reconnection. New data on the mechanism of magnetic energy transformation into kinetic and thermal energie
Relations between radio surface brightness ([equation]) and diameter ( D) of supernova remnants (SNRs) are important in astronomy. In this paper, following the work Duric and Seaquist (ApJ 301:308, 1986...关键词: Shell-type supernova remnants radiative phase surface brightness \(\Sigma \)...
SUPERNOVAEHUBBLE constantARBITRARY constantsDARK matterIn this work, we will be testing four different general f(R)-gravity models, two of which are the more realistic models (namely the Starobinsky and the Hu–Sawicki models), to determine if they are viab...
We compare the chemical abundances at the sites of 12 nearby (z <0.14) Type\nIc supernovae (SN Ic) that showed broad lines, but had no observed Gamma-Ray\nBurst (GRB), with the chemical abundances in 5 nearby (z < 0.25) galaxies at\nthe ... M Modjaz,L Kewley,RP Kirshner,......