Type 1a: The Other Type of SupernovaJ. MillerThe Winnower
The Type I supernova 1983n in NGC 5236 (M 83) was unusual because the 6115 A absorption feature normally associated with the Type I maximum-light spectrum was missing and the absolute luminosity was down by 1.4 mag compared with the normal Type I, even though the shape of the optical lig...
The single-degenerate model is currently a favourable progenitor model for Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia). Recent investigations on the WD + He star channel of the single-degenerate model imply that this channel is noteworthy for producing SNe Ia. In this paper we studied SN Ia birthrates and...
Type Ic Supernovae are a type of supernova that exhibit strong Si II absorption lines in their optical spectra, similar to Type Ia supernovae. They are characterized by the absence of hydrogen and helium lines, and are known for their high luminosities and uniform temporal evolution. ...
With the directional Hubble parameters, it is easy to get the corresponding scale factors, according to the definition (23). Thus, a1(t ) = expH1(t−t0), a j (t ) = expHj (t−t0), (55) (56) in which t0 is the present time or the age of the universe. According to Fig...
For the testing of these models, we use 359 low- and intermediate-redshift Supernovae Type 1A data obtained from the SDSS-II/SNLS2 Joint Light-curve Analysis (JLA). We develop a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) simulation to find a best-fitting function within reasonable ranges for each ...
We report on the UBVRI photometry and spectroscopy of SN 2011fe. This SN is a recent bright Type-Ia supernova (SN Ia) that occurred in the spiral galaxy M101. One of the closest and brightest SNe Ia in the last 40 yrs, the SN was discovered in Aug, 2011, by the PTF (Nugent et ...
V.: 2004, ‘Evidence from Type Ia Supernovae for an Accelerating Universe and Dark En ergy’. In: Measuring and Modeling the Universe - Filippenko () Citation Context ...0.5 0.0 -0.5 -1.0 Preliminary 0.01 0.10 1.00 z Figure 3: Upper panel: stellar magnitude (proportional to − log(...
Crawford, D.F. (2009) Observations of type 1A supernovae are consistent with a static universe, arXiv: Astro-ph-CO: 0901.4172v1.D. F. Crawford, "Observations of Type 1a Supernovae Are Consistent with a Static Universe," arXiv.org., 2009, (arXiv:0901. 4172)....
sugarsorigin of lifetype 1a Supernovapositron decay of cobalt56Cocircularly polarized ultravioletIt was shown that circularly polarized ultraviolet from positrons generated during the decay of radioactive cobalt 56 Co produced by the type 1a Supernova explosion in the space scenario of the pre...