Tyler 擅长在每一个作品中创造一种美感,这种美感不可避免地会被全球年轻人模仿,他的每一个造型都在 Instagram 和 Reddit 的评论区被仔细研究。他在 Instagram 上坐拥 1451 万粉丝,每张贴文的互动量在 100 ~ 200 万左右,在 #tylerthecreator、#golflefleur、#golfwang 等与他相关的 hashtag 下有着近两百万...
Over the last few years, Tyler, the Creator has used the question-and-answer social network Spring.me (formerly known as Formspring) to interact with his fans. Today, he gave a lengthy answer to a thread posted by a Reddit user who said he was "done" with Tyler's musi...
当Tyler, The Creator 穿着 Supreme Box Logo Tee 的肖像海报出现在伦敦街头,随后又通过官方账号正式 Po 出后,勾起了所有人的好奇心。如今伴随着 2024 秋冬系列正式开季,答案也终于揭晓,他成为了又一个 Photo Tee 上的肖像人物,但显然粉丝们对于双方展开的联动期待还要更高一些… Via Supreme 一方面是因为 Tyler...
或者可以说,十多年过去后,也是在今年迎来成立 30 周年之际,Supreme 作为品牌早已时过境迁,即便已经不再拥有至高一般的地位,很多人也不再抱有那时的热情,但也不妨借着这样的机会,来重温一下 Tyler 的那些 Supreme 经典造型。 Via Reddit/Google/Complex/GQ...
Tyler, The Creator Just Dropped His New Album “CALL ME IF YOU GET LOST” Share on X (Twitter)Share on FacebookShare on PinterestShare on WhatsAppShare on TelegramShare on EmailShare on LinkedInShare on RedditShare on Pocket Tyler, The Creatorjust dropped his new album CALL ME IF YOU ...
that he wore in thevideo forGoblinstandout “She.”Malbanan remembers the value of the hoodie, which released in 2009, jumping from around $300 to $2,000 after “She” came out. Combing through Reddit will even reveal posts aboutTyler, the Creator starter packsbased on the caps he wore...
Tyler, the Creator 全新专辑《Call Me If You Get Lost》于 6 月 25 日正式发布,而关于这张专辑的发布线索似乎从前两周已经开始显现。如同《IGOR》中戴着金黄色假发的角色那般,Tyler 在这张新专辑又以一个戴着毛皮帽的全新角色登场,而从专辑封面上的身份信息可以得知,该角色名为「Tyler Baudelaire」。除此之...
The blank stare and subtle smirk made it perfect fodder for memes and edits. Key Events: March 15, 2014 –Mugshot taken when Tyler arrested at SXSW March 16, 2014 –Posted to Reddit Photoshop Battles; gets 1.9k upvotes 2019 –Edits of mugshot become popular with Tyler fans on Reddit and...
IMAGE | LOUISVUITTON.COM These curated pieces embody the essence of the collaboration betweenLouis Vuitton and Tyler, the Creator, offering fashion-forward enthusiasts a unique blend ofluxuryand creativity.
One Reddit user took to the platform to share the clip. Watch it below: Trending on Billboard