Tyler, The Creator 发布全新单曲《ST. CHROMA》预告片! 同时在预告片的结尾出现了《CHROMAKOPIA》,很多媒体猜测这是他的新专辑名字!几天前,有人在 Reddit 上发了一张印有“CHROMAKOPIA”的集装箱,他们声称这...
Over the last few years, Tyler, the Creator has used the question-and-answer social network Spring.me (formerly known as Formspring) to interact with his fans. Today, he gave a lengthy answer to a thread posted by a Reddit user who said he was "done" with Tyler's mus...
或者可以说,十多年过去后,也是在今年迎来成立 30 周年之际,Supreme 作为品牌早已时过境迁,即便已经不再拥有至高一般的地位,很多人也不再抱有那时的热情,但也不妨借着这样的机会,来重温一下 Tyler 的那些 Supreme 经典造型。 Via Reddit/Google/Complex/GQ...
Tyler, the Creator 全新专辑《Call Me If You Get Lost》于 6 月 25 日正式发布,而关于这张专辑的发布线索似乎从前两周已经开始显现。如同《IGOR》中戴着金黄色假发的角色那般,Tyler 在这张新专辑又以一个戴着毛皮帽的全新角色登场,而从专辑封面上的身份信息可以得知,该角色名为「Tyler Baudelaire」。除此之...
以上三张照片算是预热,下面开始进入主体部分,也就是Tyler, the Creator带来的新式Preppy(预科风)或Ivy League Style(常青藤学院风)🔽 摘自GRAILED 核心穿搭 换成打褶长裤就行了,轻喷,2019年,摘自VOGUE,来自Getty Images 单品: 渔夫帽 V领针织衫 条纹衬衫 ...
that he wore in thevideo forGoblinstandout “She.”Malbanan remembers the value of the hoodie, which released in 2009, jumping from around $300 to $2,000 after “She” came out. Combing through Reddit will even reveal posts aboutTyler, the Creator starter packsbased on the caps he wore...
IMAGE | LOUISVUITTON.COM These curated pieces embody the essence of the collaboration betweenLouis Vuitton and Tyler, the Creator, offering fashion-forward enthusiasts a unique blend ofluxuryand creativity.
The blank stare and subtle smirk made it perfect fodder for memes and edits. Key Events: March 15, 2014 –Mugshot taken when Tyler arrested at SXSW March 16, 2014 –Posted to Reddit Photoshop Battles; gets 1.9k upvotes 2019 –Edits of mugshot become popular with Tyler fans on Reddit and...
One Reddit user took to the platform to share the clip. Watch it below: Trending on Billboard
▲ 圖片來源:Reddit 而DJ Khaled 早在去年就開始為 《Father of Asahd》造勢,聯手 Jordan Brand 推出兩雙全新的 Air Jordan 3 鞋款,其中有一款便是以 “Father Of Asahd” 命名。 ▲ DJ Khaled x Air Jordan 3 “Father Of Asahd” (左) DJ Khaled x Air Jordan 3 “Another One” (右) ...