Metal tubes still offer a hard job, even for this needle. Here's an article exclusively about needles for tube fly tying A good alternative can actually be a blind eye salmon hook. These are not that common, but if you can get your hands on a package of large hooks of this type (...
We forget that the spectral ranges of fish and human beings differ, but when it comes to shape, fish see what we see: a fat thorax, a tapered abdomen, and splayed tails. Tiers have traditionally used the rear portion of the hook for tying the tails and abdomen, the front for the tho...
Other links take you to information about Skip's fly designs, fly tying lessons, talks and presentations, podcasts and interviews, a free trout-fly proportion chart, our YouTube Channel, and some of Carol's photo essays. So...are you ready to get started?
1. Subscribe to Catch Magazine’s Youtube Channel and you will be entered to win a Winston Air 2 rod. 2. Purchase a Gift Subscription to Catch Magazine for someone and you will be entered to win a Bauer RVR Reel. Purchase at this link: ...
Fly tying, in most cases, begins with a fly tying kit. Unfortunately mostfly tying kitscan result in the same frustration as starting to tie too difficult patterns. When you open afly tying kitfor the very first time, the first thing you notice is the over powering perfume of paradichloro...
The actions of the monks should reveal a great dig occurring beneath the monastery. What exactly are they digging for? Perhaps they seek relics of Tyar-Besil that help them unlock the nodes. Perhaps they seek components to build devastation orbs. You can add your own hook in here if the ...