7 VERSILON™耐强腐蚀软管 7–18, 20, 21 TYGON S3TM 长弯曲寿命泵管 配方 F-5500-A 15 1 配方 E-LFL 7 VERSILON™惰性管 蠕动泵 TYGON S3TM 实验室管 配方 SE-200 15 9-14, 16, 18, 20, 21 配方 E-3603 8 VERSILON™软管 VERSILON™ FEP, PFA, PTFE 16 银离子抗菌管 8 低渗透...
可*的与TygopureTM卫生接头一起使用 符合FDA、3-A和NSF 51 标准 Flexible, Reinforced Pressure Tubing Tygon S3 B-44-4X IB tubingis designed specifically for food and beverage dispensing applications involving elevated pressure. Tygon pressure tubing has the identical product features found in Tygon S3...
可*的与TygopureTM卫生接头一起使用 符合FDA、3-A和NSF 51 标准 Flexible, Reinforced Pressure Tubing Tygon S3 B-44-4X IB tubingis designed specifically for food and beverage dispensing applications involving elevated pressure. Tygon pressure tubing has the identical product features found in Tygon S3...