Tygon® B-44-3 Beverage Tubing Tygon® B-44-4X Food, Milk & Dairy Tubing Tygon® B-44-4X I.B. Pressure Tubing Tygon® F-4040A Fuel & Lubricant Tubing Tygon® E-3603 Lab Tubing Tygon® R-3603 Vacuum Tubing Tygon® SE-200 Inert Tubing ...
Tygon(R) formula R-3603 laboratory tubing性质、用途与生产工艺 Tygon(R) formula R-3603 laboratory tubing 上下游产品信息 上游原料 下游产品Tygon(R) formula R-3603 laboratory tubing 生产厂家 全球有 1家供应商 Tygon(R) formula R-3603 laboratory tubing国内生产厂家 供应商联系电话电子邮件国家产品数...
handles virtually all inorganic chemicals found in the lab, and is less permeable than rubber tubing. The glassy-smooth inner bore helps prevent buildup to facilitate cleaning. Tygon® E-3603 vacuum tubing shares all these performance features and has extra heavy walls that will withstand a full...
Tygon® ND 100-80 Tubing Tygon® R-1000 Ultra Soft Tubing Tygon® R-3400 UV Resistant Tubing Tygon® R-3603 Lab Tubing - DISCONTINUED Tygon® R-3603 Vacuum Tubing Tygon® S-50-HL (REPLACED BY ND 100-65) Tygon® S-54-HL (Replaced by Tygon ND 100-80) Tygon®...
峰源隆国际贸易(上海)有限公司主要致力于“Tygon* Vacuum Tubing, Formulation R-3603, Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics ”的生产销售。多年的“Tygon* Vacuum Tubing, Formulation R-3603, Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics ”生产与销售的经验,与各行业新老用户建
Below is a chart that shows the products that have changed formulations as a result of meeting the new requiments for non-DEHP, phthalate free tubing. Products Where Formulation has Changed Current FormulationLFLR-3603R-1000TAATS-50-HL
美国进口圣戈班TYGON高性能高压油管pressure tubing喷墨机软管 ¥ 570.00 /台 建材设备配件,机械设备配件,设备配件 机械设备/建材加工机械/建材加工机械配件/附件 立即拨号 圣戈班Tygon S3™ E-3603系列 PVC软管(型号:ACF) 价格面议 圣戈班,食品饮料管,柔韧性好,透明,PVC管 橡胶塑料/塑料制品/塑料管 立即...
美国进口圣戈班TYGON高性能高压油管pressure tubing喷墨机软管 ¥ 570.00 /台 建材设备配件,机械设备配件,设备配件 机械设备/建材加工机械/建材加工机械配件/附件 立即拨号 圣戈班Tygon S3™ E-3603系列 PVC软管(型号:ACF) 价格面议 圣戈班,食品饮料管,柔韧性好,透明,PVC管 橡胶塑料/塑料制品/塑料管 立...
Tygon® lab (R-3603) 50英尺(15.2 m) /包GJ-06409-26 GJ-06408-73 GJ-06408-82 GJ-06409-70 GJ-06409-88 GJ-06409-89 Tygon® fuel & lubricant (F-4040-A) 50英尺(15.2 m) /包GJ-06401-26 GJ-06401-73 GJ-06401-82 ——— Tygon® chemical (2001)†† 50英尺(15.2 m) /包GJ...
上海瀚默机电科技有限公司专业生产(供应)销售圣戈班Tygon B-44-FF tubing,公司不仅具有国内外精湛的技术水平,更有良好的售后服务和优质的解决方案,欢迎您来电咨询此产品具体参数及价格等详细信息!