Twitter Google Share on Facebook Dictionary Financial Encyclopedia Wikipedia </>embed</> merchant prince big noise plutocrat big cheese wealthy busin... potentate captain of in... mogul fat cat tycoon noun Synonyms for tycoon Collins WordNet ...
n.企业界的大亨;(日本幕府的)将军 释义常用度 企业界的大亨 第三人称复数:tycoons GRE GRE英语词汇单词大全 英英释义 词典解释 网络解释 noun 1. a very wealthy or powerful businessman e.g. an oil baron Synonym: baronbig businessmanbusiness leaderkingmagnatemogulpowertop executive经典...
tycoon的解释tycoon 英英释义 noun 1. a very wealthy or powerful businessman e.g. an oil baron Synonym: baronbig businessmanbusiness leaderkingmagnatemogulpowertop executive
Synonym:baronbig businessmanbusiness leaderkingmagnatemogulpowertop executive 双语例句 She also wrote critically about the arrest and trial of Mikhail Khodorkovsky, the oil tycoon jailed after falling out with the Kremlin.和克里姆林宫闹翻的石油大亨霍多尔科夫斯基被捕后,她也严厉批评了这种逮捕和审判。
Display ON Animation ON Legend Synonym Antonym Related </>embed</> powerkingmogulbarontycoontop executivemagnatebusiness leaderbig businessmanoil tycoon noun Words related to oil tycoon nouna powerful person in the oil business Related Words big businessman business leader magnate top executive tyc...
Synonyms for RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for RollerCoaster Tycoon 3. 29 synonyms for soaked: drenched, saturated, sodden, sopping, dripping wet, wet through, soaked to the skin, wringing wet, like a drowned rat... What are synonym