这是一个字符串拆分函数,str_split ty_str_split := ty_str_split ();定义一个str_split (自定义的table类型),并初始化。这个有点复杂,初学可不理会
1CREATEORREPLACETYPE ty_str_splitISTABLEOFVARCHAR2(4000);23CREATEORREPLACEFUNCTIONfn_split (p_strINVARCHAR2, p_delimiterINVARCHAR2)4RETURNty_str_split5IS6jINT:=0;7iINT:=1;8lenINT:=0;9len1INT:=0;10strVARCHAR2(4000);11str_split ty_str_split :=ty_str_split ();12BEGIN13len:=LENGTH ...
DataGridViewRow row = new DataGridViewRow();是创建DataGridView的行对象,DataGridViewTextBoxCell是单元格的内容是个TextBox,DataGridViewComboBoxCell是单元格的内容是下拉列表框,同理可知,DataGridViewButtonCell是单元格的内容是个按钮,等等。textboxcell是新创建的单元格的对象,可以为该对象添加其属性。然后通过row...
img_path = train_parameters['test_dir'] +'/'+ val_img_file_list[1] gt_path = train_parameters['test_gt_dir']+'/' + 'GT_' + val_img_file_list[1].split(r'.')[0] ori_crowd_img =cv2.imread(img_path) label_data = loadmat(gt_path) crowd_count = np.squeeze(label_data['...
Here are the rules Karate uses on bootstrap (before every Scenario or Examples row in a Scenario Outline): if the system-property karate.config.dir was set, Karate will look in this folder for karate-config.js - and if found, will process it else if karate-config.js was not found in...
How to perform FULL ROW Selection on a CListCtrl? How to press a key using its virtual key with SendInput How to prevent Visual Studio from removing all trailing whitespaces? how to print type _TCHAR* How to printf time_t? how to programatically get IP address of local computer how to...
(df.mean()) mean_row = df.mean().to_frame().T mean_row["frame"] = "mean" df = pd.concat([df, mean_row], ignore_index=True) df.to_csv( os.path.join( args.save_path, "statis_frame_{}_iter_{}.csv".format(frame_id, test_iter), ) ) if __name__ == "__main__":...
row_char_boxs = [] row_char_imgs = [] # 切块的图,切的是原图 block_imgs = cut_img(row_img, block_mark_boxs) ifsave_file: b_imgs = save_imgs('cuts/row_'+str(i), block_imgs)# 如果要保存切图 print(b_imgs) # ===从块切字===...
x_train, x_val, y_train, y_val = train_test_split(x_lst, y_lst, test_size=0.15, random_state=RANDOM_SEED) # 划分训练集 测试集− # dataset + token_lens = [] − train_dataset = NewsDataset(x_train, y_train, tokenizer, MAX_LEN) ...
java导出Excel是常用的功能,常用的jar包有jxl与poi,最近遇到要将一个html表格导出成excel,我选择了jxl来实现。 1. 看名字就知道jxl是以xml格式来解析的,所以如果html代码里有单标记,是会解析报错的,就需要先用jsoup这个jar包来处理掉所有的单标记,例子代码如下: ...