fromENHYPEN’s King of Pop-inspired "Sweet Venom" ensembles to BOYNEXTDOOR’s slouchy cabbie caps. Other standouts include belts and chains from &TEAM’s angsty "Samidare," fromis_9’s opera-ready "#menow" jewels, and chunky necklaces featured in ILLIT’s runaway single "Magnetic." ...
legal adult beverages with nothing else to worry about but maybe venturing to the caf for food is completely AMAZING. Kids these days, they’re totally not grateful for these opportunities. Back in my day, the most “social media” we got was posting angsty song lyrics as our AIM away ...
❓ Building a Jeopardy style web application for Capital One Software Engineering Summit Winter 2020 - trivia-web-app/all_categories.txt at master · kevin-chen/trivia-web-app
Natural Language Processing codebase for - nlp/python/unsupevised_learning/original/unsupervised/microblog.txt at master · korobool/nlp