Video Tutorial for Windows:ENGLISH,PORTUGUÊS. Requirements: NodeJS v10 LTS (or newer) FXServer build 1543+(or newer) One TCP listen port opened for the web server (default is 40120) Git (only for installs and updates) 1 -In the terminal (cmd, bash, powershell & etc) execute the ...
8. 贡献者 感谢您对gin-vue-admin的贡献! 9. 捐赠 如果你觉得这个项目对你有帮助,你可以请作者喝饮料 🍹 点我 10. 商用注意事项 如果您将此项目用于商业用途,请遵守Apache2.0协议并保留作者技术支持声明。About 基于vite+vue3+gin搭建的开发基础平台(已完成setup语法糖版本),集成jwt鉴权,权限管理,动态路由,分...
add pinia setup syntax example: setup-store[添加setup syntax的pinia示例setup-store] - by @soybeanjs (82c4b) add constant route page without login status[添加未登录可访问的固定路由示例页面] - by @soybeanjs (78efd) refactor icon system, unify icon usage [重构图标系统,统一图标用法] - by @so...
throw new Error('useModal() can only be used inside setup() or functional components!'); } @@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ export function useModal(props?: Props): UseModalReturnType { watch( () => props, () => { // @ts-ignore const { setProps } = modal.value; props && setProps(get...
Video Tutorial for Windows:ENGLISH,PORTUGUÊS. Requirements: NodeJS v10 LTS (or newer) FXServer build 1543+(or newer) One TCP listen port opened for the web server (default is 40120) Git (only for installs and updates) 1 -In the terminal (cmd, bash, powershell & etc) execute the ...
Note4: To create more server profiles, execute node src/scripts/setup.js <profile name>. You can run multiple txAdmin instances in the same installation folder. Troubleshooting If you run into any problem, check our Troubleshooting Guide. If you are having trouble starting the FXServer via tx...
# Download txAdmin, Enter folder and Install dependencies git clone cd txAdmin npm i # Add admin node src/scripts/admin-add.js # Setup default server profile node src/scripts/setup.js default # Start default server node src/index.js default...