The Console Log shows the Action Log, which records all actions performed by txAdmin or any Admin. Sidebar The sidebar menu includes the following items:Dashboard,Live Console,Resources,Server LogandCFG Editor. Each of these will be explained in more detail below. Dashboard The dashboar...
Save console to file Restart warning announcements Admin Management system Permissions system (more info) SSL Support (more info) Translation Support (more info) Server Activity Log (connections/disconnections, kills, chat, explosions andcustom commands) ...
Live Console (with log file, command history and search) Server threads performance chart with player count Server Activity Log (connections/disconnections, kills, chat, explosions andcustom commands) Player Manager: Warning system Ban (temporary or permanently) system ...
async logout() { this.setRoles([]); this.setPermissions([]); this.setUserInfo(''); storage.remove(ACCESS_TOKEN); storage.remove(CURRENT_USER); 18 changes: 9 additions & 9 deletions 18 src/views/dashboard/console/console.vue Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@...
Live Console (with log file and command history) Server tick time performance chart with player count (example) Server Activity Log (connections/disconnections, kills, chat, explosions andcustom commands) Player Manager: Warning system Ban (temporary or permanently) system ...
On first boot, atxDatadirectory will be created to store txAdmin files, and you will need to open the URL provided in the console to configure your account and server. Configuration & Integrations Most configuration can be done inside the txAdmin settings page, but some configs (such as TCP...
Save console to file Restart warning announcements Admin Management system Permissions system (more info) (BETA) SSL Support (more info) Translation Support (more info) (BETA) Server Activity Log (connections/disconnections, kills, chat and explosions) (BETA) Ban System FiveM's Server CFG editor...
Live Console (with log file and command history) Hitch Detection statistics Online players chart Server Activity Log (connections/disconnections, kills, chat, explosions andcustom commands) Player Manager: Warning system Ban (temporary or permanently) system ...
Live Console (with log file and command history) Online players chart Server Activity Log (connections/disconnections, kills, chat, explosions and custom commands) Player Manager: Warning system Ban (temporary or permanently) system Whitelist system Take notes about players Keep track of player's ...
Live Console (with log file) Hitch Detection statistics Online players chart Server Activity Log (connections/disconnections, kills, chat, explosions andcustom commands) Real-time playerlist with ping + steam-linked accounts (when available)