Server Activity Log (connections/disconnections, kills, chat, explosions andcustom commands) Player Manager: Warning system Ban (temporary or permanently) system Whitelist system (Discord member, Discord Role, Approved License, Admin-only) Take notes about players ...
txAdmin is a completely free to use, full-featured web panel to Manage & Monitor your FiveM server. It offers a wide range of features designed to make managing a FiveM server as easy as anything. In this guide, we will introduce you to the txAdmin interface, highlighting its features an...
Server Activity Log (connections/disconnections, kills, chat, explosions andcustom commands) Player Manager: Warning system Ban (temporary or permanently) system Whitelist system (Discord member, Discord Role, Approved License, Admin-only) Take notes about players ...
txAdmin (formerly known as FXAdmin) is a full featured tool to help you Manage & Monitor your FiveM Server remotely. FeaturesStart/Stop/Restart your server instance or resources Access control via multiple credentials and action logging Discord integration (/status and configurable commands) Monitor...
Server Activity Log (connections/disconnections, kills, chat, explosions andcustom commands) (BETA) Ban System FiveM's Server CFG editor Installing & Running (Windows/Linux) Video Tutorial for Windows:ENGLISH,PORTUGUÊS. Requirements: NodeJS v10 LTS (or newer) ...
txAdmin (formerly known as FXAdmin) is a full featured tool to Manage & Monitor your FiveM Server remotely. Features Start/Stop/Restart your server instance or resources Access control via multiple credentials and action logging Discord integration (/status and configurable commands) Monitor server...
txAdmin is a full featured web panel to Manage & Monitor your FiveM Server remotely, in use by over two thousand servers worldwide at any given time. Main Features Start/Stop/Restart your server instance or resources Access control: Login via Password or CitizenFX Admin permission system (...
Server Activity Log (connections/disconnections, kills, chat, explosions andcustom commands) Real-time playerlist with ping + steam-linked accounts (when available) Scheduled restarts with warning announcements Translation Support (more info) FiveM's Server CFG editor ...
Server Activity Log (connections/disconnections, kills, chat, explosions and custom commands) Player Manager: Warning system Ban (temporary or permanently) system Whitelist system Take notes about players Keep track of player's play and session time Import bans from EasyAdmin, BanSQL, vMenu, vRP...
FiveM's Server CFG editor & validator Responsive web interface with Dark Mode 😎 Also, check ourFeature Graveyardfor the features that are no longer among us (RIP). txAdmin is included in all FXServer buildsabove 2524, so to run it for the first time simply do the following: ...