La structure FILE_ID_GLOBAL_TX_DIR_INFORMATION contient des informations sur la visibilité transactionnelle des fichiers d’un répertoire.
If the Program as you +received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that it is +governed by this License along with a term that is a further +restriction, you may remove that term. If a license document contains +a further restriction but permits relicensing or conveying ...
A method, system, controller and computer program product, for controlling the flow of a multiphase fluid comprising gas and liquid in a conduit, which conduit is provided at a downstream side with a flow restriction and a valve having a... AN Eken,G Haandrikman,MGWM Seelen 被引量: 0发...
FILE_ID_GLOBAL_TX_DIR_INFORMATION结构包含有关目录中文件的事务可见性的信息。 语法 C++复制 typedefstruct_FILE_ID_GLOBAL_TX_DIR_INFORMATION{ULONG NextEntryOffset; ULONG FileIndex; LARGE_INTEGER CreationTime; LARGE_INTEGER LastAccessTime; LARGE_INTEGER LastWriteTime; LARGE_INTEGER ChangeTime; LARGE_...
檔案的檔案參考編號。 文件系統會產生這個數位,並將它指派給檔案。 對於不支援 fileId檔案系統,此字段會設定為 0 並忽略。 LockingTransactionId 已鎖定此檔案以供修改之交易的 GUID 值。 檔案系統會產生並指派此值。 TxInfoFlags 下列值的位 OR 為零或多個。
FILE_ID_GLOBAL_TX_DIR_INFO_FLAG_VISIBLE_OUTSIDE_TX 0x00000004文件对目录的事务处理枚举器(事务 ID 位于LockingTransactionId成员中的枚举器)可见,并且对目录的非事务枚举器可见。 如果未设置FILE_ID_GLOBAL_TX_DIR_INFO_FLAG_WRITELOCKED标志,则不得设置其他标志。 如果设置了FILE_ID_GLOBAL_TX_DIR_IN...
The time when the file was created. LastAccessTime The last time the file was accessed. LastWriteTime The last time information was written to the file. ChangeTime The last time the file was changed. EndOfFile The absolute new end-of-file position as a byte offset from the start o...
The time when the file was created. LastAccessTime The last time the file was accessed. LastWriteTime The last time information was written to the file. ChangeTime The last time the file was changed. EndOfFile The absolute new end-of-file position as a byte offset from the star...