天选后期能不能装openwrt/docker还是未知数。 对于目前手中没有AX86u的还是先买更成熟以及固件功能支持更好的AX86u。加钱党直接GT-AX6000现在价格也不算贵了。天选只适合会有一定折腾和熟悉华硕固件的用户(熟悉才能看到它对比自家其他产品的进步和需要提升的地方)...
$169.99$249.99 ASUS ASUS RT-AX86U Pro AX5700 2.5G AiMesh 智能路由 查看详情 去购买 Amazon $134.00$159.00 GL.iNet GL-MT6000(Flint 2) AX6000 双2.5GbE WiFi6 智能路由 查看详情 去购买 Amazon $73.84$109.90 GL.iNet GL-MT3000 Wi-Fi 6 便携式路由器 Openwrt 2.5GbE...
I guess we could import this to OpenWrt's patchset and ship it with 18.xx (or even backport to 17.01.x) > 2. Cleaned up the patch a bit and gave credit to the developers > 3. There's a companion patch along with the txqueue patch that I forgot > to add when I submitted the...