Mage Frostfire offers Mages an exciting fusion of frost and fire, where spells cast from one school trigger additional effects from the other. This dynamic interaction promises to revitalize the Mage playstyle, bringing back the beloved Frostfire Bolt and introducing new synergies through free...
Sunfury (Arcane & Fire Mage): Perfectly captures the essence of a powerful mage with abilities that feel impactful and visually stunning, promoting a dynamic playstyle. Frostfire (Fire & Frost Mage): Integrates fire and frost spells to create a versatile and visually appeali...
Fire Mages are underperforming in Mythic+, with their reliance on Living Bomb and burst windows not aligning well with high-end keys. They remain in C-Tier for the current patch. WoW TWW 11.0.5 PvP DPS Tier List The PvP meta in 11.0.5 is also set for a shake-up with n...