两遍算法(Two-pass algorithm)是图像处理中一种用来查找和标记图像中连通区域(或联通分量、区域)的方法。这种算法首次被提出是在20世纪60年代,如今已成为图像处理中常用的一种方法。这种算法相对简单而且高效,因此在实际应用中被广泛使用。在本文中,我们将详细介绍两遍算法的原理和实现过程,并且通过一些示例来说明其应...
主算法 booltwoPass(cv::Mat pBinary,intbackground,intforeground,intborder, cv::Mat& pLabel){// connected component analysis (4- component)// use two-pass algorithm// 1. first pass: label each foreground pixel with a label// 2. second pass: visit each labeled pixel and merge neighbor lab...
实现 intImageAlgorithm::TwoPassConnetedDomin(Mat image){ Mat imageFlag; imageFlag.create(image.rows, image.cols, CV_16UC1);for(intk =0; k < image.rows; ++k) {for(inti =0; i < image.cols; ++i) { imageFlag.at<ushort>(k, i) = UINT16_MAX; } }uint16_tmapp[UINT16_MAX];me...
连接组件标记算法(connected component labeling algorithm)是图像分析中最常用的算法之一,算法的实质是扫描一幅图像的每个像素,对于像素值相同的分为相同的组(group),最终得到图像中所有的像素连通组件。扫描的方式可以是从上到下,从左到右,对于一幅有N个像素的图像来说,最大连通组件个数为N/2。扫描是基于每个像素...
Sinoquet C: Iterative two-pass algorithm for missing data imputation in SNP arrays. J Bioinf and Comput Biol 2009, 7:833-852.Sinoquet, C.: Iterative two-pass algorithm for missing data imputation in SNP arrays. Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology 7(5), 833–852 (2009)...
While the two-pass algorithm ... Chulhee,Han,Jongduk,... - 《Optics Express》 被引量: 0发表: 2019年 Dual‐energy approach to reduce cone‐beam artefacts in a circular orbit cone‐beam CT system When there exist multiple dense structures within a large cone angle, two-pass algorithm is ...
Toprogramslicing,theconceptof SDGandatwo-passalgorithmareeffectivetosolve"calling-context"problem. 系统依赖图的概念及两阶段图形可达性算法的出现,则有效解决了程序切片的过程调用问题。 www.dictall.com 3. Thistwo-passapproachtransforms thedocumenttwice,with theresultofthefirstXSLTtransformedbyasecondXSLT. ...
Real-time visualization of 3D medical data on low-performance mobile and virtual reality (VR, e.g. HTC Vive) devices is non-trivial because it is necessary to render image twice per frame for each of the eyes. The algorithm presented in this paper describes an approach that allows ...
The square-root SVSF is based on Potter's algorithm. The proposed formulation is computationally more efficient and reduces the risks of failure due to numerical instability. The new strategy is applied on target tracking scenarios for the purposes of state estimation, and the results are compared...
Then, we apply a local elimination algorithm to remove all redundant messages. Our elimination method is therefore a two-passes static analysis. We present the two passes successively: First the global data-flow analysis (Section 3), and then the local elimination algorithm (Section 4). Each ...