Using three case studies from the 50 respondents, this article explores how each woman, in her unique interpretation of the Bible, found present meaning for a painful, impoverished past, enhanced her sense of self-esteem, and engendered hope for an improved future either in this life or the ...
Bnonn Tennant (the B is silent)Where a recovering ex-atheist skewers things with a sharp two-edged swordHome FAQ Testimony About Bnonn Search God himself claims that private revelation will be cryptic Numbers 12 makes clear that the quality and character of prophetic gifts will not be like the...
Definition:Double-edged, two-mouthed Meaning:(lit: twain-mouthed; hence: of a sword, as a drinker of blood), two-edged. Word Origin:From the Greek words "δίς" (dis), meaning "twice" or "double," and "στόμα" (stoma), meaning "mouth." Corresponding Greek / Hebrew Entr...