Ahhh, what is this drama doing to me. I don't think the writer thought deeply about the science behind it either. I believe that there are only two worlds as KC said, Yeon Joo's and the one Kang Chul lived in but the manwha was a portal between the two and KC's manwha world ...
I have full trust on this writer, and I'm sure she will have answers, but I dunno if it's gonna be a happy ending for W the kdrama. Ha! I am too invested on this. 0 3 reply Name Email Website * Register or Login (Get credit for your great comments) cancel Send ...
Kdrama OTP usually elope to the countryside whenever they hit a hurdle. 5) bracing myself for heartbreak ep 15. but there should be at least an episode with some or lots of sweetness before the heartbreak, as per writer-nim's general style. 6) will we get to see Crazy Dog's ...