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Worlds Worship Worship #2 #5 Is this YOU? For the time has come (which is NOW) when people will not put up with “SOUND DOCTRINE”. They choose to listen to those that say what their ears itch to hear. They turn from God′s Word and turn to meaningless talk that makes them feel...
Worlds Worship Worship #2 #5 Is this YOU? For the time has come (which is NOW) when people will not put up with “SOUND DOCTRINE”. They choose to listen to those that say what their ears itch to hear. They turn from God′s Word and turn to meaningless talk that makes them feel...
Worlds Worship Worship #2 #5 Is this YOU? For the time has come (which is NOW) when people will not put up with “SOUND DOCTRINE”. They choose to listen to those that say what their ears itch to hear. They turn from God′s Word and turn to meaningless talk that makes them feel...
Worlds Worship Worship #2 #5 Is this YOU? For the time has come (which is NOW) when people will not put up with “SOUND DOCTRINE”. They choose to listen to those that say what their ears itch to hear. They turn from God′s Word and turn to meaningless talk that makes them feel...