In case it wasn’t clear enough, the movie repeats this with a title card at the end, and indeed, the movie is more of a marketing campaign based on a meme than a film with an artistic vision that proceeds out of lived experience. If the movie ignores subtleties and finer points of ...
And this day in the rose garden is no different from our wedding day, our persons cleaved like opposing charges—she the ebullient one, me voiceless and not without greater discontent with the world, a discontent that makes her all the more important to me as she is the princess saving th...
there is a secret lab. Barnabus and his friends live in this lab, but none of them is perfect. They are all Failed Projects. Barnabus has never been outside his tiny bell jar, yet he dreams of one day seeing the world above ground that his pal Pip the cockroach has...
As such redditors events will be doing activities that do involve meme memes dank redidit subeddit snu snoo lurker boardgames board gaming gamer video cardgames card cards against humanity computers anime internet upvote downvote vote secret santa harry potter wow world warcraft karma programming ...
speaking through you. I s$&% you not. I see it happen all the time. Hell, it happens to me a lot. As a GM, I’m really happy my brain can do this kind of trick. It lets me invent all sorts of details about the world and the game on the fly whenever the players ask ...
Before sharing a meme I will click on the link to the organization’s page and read their “about” section. I often scroll down the page and look through a few post and even read the dreaded comments section. In short order, I am able to ascertain if this is an organization that I...
And what did Herbert really think about Star Wars, with it many overt similarities to Dune? Due to the broad scope of The Spice Must Flow, there's a lot of fictional and real-world ground to cover. That's entire decades, not to mention thousands of years' worth of Dune lore! Still,...
Each nation and village have their own meme for decision making that mutates when their successors inherit the strategies. In order to investigate what occurs in the virtual world we built a simulation system with a GUI that facilitates parameter set-up. The results displayed a typical phenomenon...
IMAGE: Quote from Alicia Castro, Argentine Ambassador to the UK. SOURCES: [ES]Pagina12, [EN] Apr 2019) Meme from [Twitter] As with his long ago namesake, the political climate changed rapidly and radically outside Julian Assange’s place of seclusion with the advent of new fig...
As such redditors events will be doing activities that do involve meme memes dank redidit subeddit snu snoo lurker boardgames board gaming gamer video cardgames card cards against humanity computers anime internet upvote downvote vote secret santa harry potter wow world warcraft karma programming ...