Homonym:a word that has the same spelling and the same pronunciation as another world,but a different meaning Same spelling,different meaning Imagine,then a situation where two words are spelt and pronounced exactly the same way,but have completely different meanings.Welcome to the world of homonym...
Also, they have different words for the same thing. British people go out by "cabs", but Americans by "taxi". It's fun to learn these little tricks, isn't it? Although they sound and look a bit different, both British and American English ...
10While people in both England and the US speak English, the two types of English can be very different. _1_ The British like the letter “u" and have kept it in many words. Americans have dropped it, such as labor, color and favorite.But our differences go beyond spelling. Sometimes...
'Repair' is actually two different words, spelled the same in English but from two different French roots. Sorry about that. The French verbrepaireris rarely used today, and only in a narrow context: it is used of animals that burrow or have dens, meaning “to return to one’s home or...
These three words are homophones, meaning that they’re pronounced the same way, but they’re all spelled differently, and they have very different meanings. So when should you use each word? The short answer is that to is a preposition that indicates direction, too means also or indicates ...
A 'chantey' or 'shanty' is traditionally a tune sung by sailors to unite them during the day's work. Learn the history behind these sea songs.
根据"First, there are differences in spelling."可知,该部分讲述英式英语与美式英语在拼写上的不同。根据前文"The British like the letter 'u' and have kept it in many words."提到英国人喜欢字母"u",并在很多单词中使用它,而后文"Somewhere in our language history, we decided that 'labor', 'color...
All day, I am in the same classroom with my classmates, and we all study the same courses. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the new words from the text. I'm good at math, so my teacher ___ that I should choose advanced math in my first year. Finding ...
The titleTraits of Naturereminds me of myshockon learning, back in 2005, that “the wordtraitwas traditionally pronounced exactly liketray, at least in the UK; in other words, the final -t is (or was supposed to be) silent.”
c)Homonyms are words which have the same form, but different meanings. Words which have the same spelling but different meanings are calledhomographs, such as bow (v.) and bow (n., a weapon). Words which have the same pronunciation but different meanings are calledhomophones. Flour/flower,...