表3 2种灌丛的土壤碳密度①Tab,3 Soil carbon density of two kinds of shrubs t·hm, ,2 土层Soil layer SPS CHS 子灌丛凋落物的积累量明显高于土庄绣线菊灌丛,这主要是因为,与土庄绣线菊灌丛相比,榛子灌丛的生产力更高,凋落物的输入量也更大。该地区天然次生山杨白桦林和华北落叶松人工林的凋落物层...
of these shrubs is poorly understood.We sought to determine,based on functional characteristics of the plants,whether their presence is favored by a particular type or regime of disturbance.Methods We used data from field experiments(seed broadcasting and shrub cutting)conducted on the island of ...
The interactions between plant-eating insects and their hosts have shaped both the insects and the plants, driving evolution of plant defenses and insect specialization. The leaf beetle Trirhabda eriodictyonis (Chrysomelidae) lives on two shrubs with differing defenses: Eriodictyon crassifolium has hai...
In the present study we have investigated the cultural transmission of two types of traditional plant knowledge in two communities of North-western Patagonia, Argentina. In the Pilcaniyeu community, we studied the transmission of traditional knowledge re
angustifolia encroaching in alpine tundra by conducting experiments for two vegetation types (shrubs and herbs) by real-time PCR and Illumina Miseq sequencing methods. The treatments consisted of D. angustifolia sites (DA), native sites (NS, NH) and encroaching sites (ES, EH). Our results ...
In addi tion to those dominants which characterize the non-wash area, the wash vegetation included desert ironwood, white thorn acacia, catclaw, and several other shrubs (Table 2). Texture analysis revealed no significant differences be tween the soils of the wash and non-wash ...
Germination behaviour and seedling establishment of two desert shrubs, Calligonum polygonoides (Polygonaceae) and Spartidium saharae (Fabaceae), under expe... As their great importance in providing many uses and services, Calligonum polygonoides subsp. comosum (Polygonaceae) and Spartidium saharae...
are associated with Composite shrubs, especially in the Southwest, that are the dominant plants of their habitats (Hogue 1970; Messina 1982a, Kraft and Denno 1982). In these habitats, a larva hatching at the base of a shrub is quite likely to wind up on the same plant species or even ...
They actually nest in the shrubs, not the trees. so they're pretty close to the ground but these warblers also nest in forests that have low shrub density. It’s usually the younger warblers that nest in these areas because the preferred spots where there are a lot of shrubs are taken ...
Bieb.), dog rose (Rosaceae; Rosa canina L.) and berberry shrubs (Berberidaceae; Berberis integerrima Bunge). There was also massy cover of Acanthophyllum glandulosum Bunge ex Boiss. (Caryophyllaceae), blessed milk thistle (Asteraceae; Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn.), harmel peganum (Zygo...