As many people look to Eastern Spirituality and non-Christian forms of prayer in the West, I would like to commend to you a practice with roots in Eastern Christianity called the Jesus Prayer. While no one knows exactly when it started, it has been in the tradition of the Eastern monks ...
Another reason for Christians to have misgivings about this type of ecumenicism is that by its very methodology it cannot recognize any principled difference between Christianity and non-Christian religions. The effort to find a minimal common ground for the sake of some general doctrinal agreement ...
He goes on to say how Christianity purifies eros so that it becomes one with agape (that is “gift love”). This happens most especially through Matrimony. Yet the conjugal instinct, because it is so powerful, must also be tempered even in marriage and used in the right ways at the ...
Let’s consider then a point of application. Over the last decade or so, there has been heated public debate in the US over whether or not the Ten Commandments should — or even may — be posted on the walls of courthouses. I heard recently that Dr. Peter Lillback, President of Westm...
particularly in Christianity and Isalm (Gümüsay,2020; Smith et al.,2021). As a result, many investors attempt to align religious identity expectations with their impact investments (Bouri,2019, GIIN,2020a). Unfortunately, we know little about how the integration of a third (religious) identit...
I don’t know much about Orthodox Christianity but I do enjoy byzantine and icon art quite a lot, so I was quite happy to explore their rich history here! We went to the patriarchy, who is the heart of Romanian Orthodox Christianity. The building looked really weird, and a bunch of ...
What also unifies all of these beliefs is that they can exist without their founders being alive. Unlike Christianity because the fact that Jesus is alive is the cornerstone of our faith. If Jesus wasn’t resurrected from the dead then we are wasting our time (1 Corinthians 15:17). But ...
In the land of Islam, both Protestant and Catholicsuffer, but, according to Diderich, only the former do so with pious fortitude,whereas the latter have a tendency to not only lapse into sin but to also aban-don Christianity altogether. Further, he describes attempts by the Catholics to...
old & up $ 90 a week 20 years ago (1989) Combining a dynamic personality with a vibrant message entwined with his musical talent, 1978 Dobie High School graduate Al Denson was sharing his Christianity with America's youth. Sam Rayburn's Lady Texan volleyball team put a quick end to Dobie...
Aristotle correctly posits that in order for happiness to be our final end it must be self-sufficient and not lacking. However, if we restrict our happiness to things of this life we will run into the problem of desire which C.S. Lewis speaks of inMere Christianitywhen he says, “I fin...