A tale of two syndromes: Lyme disease preceding postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome. Ann Noninvasive Electro- cardiol. Epub May 15, 2014.Noyes AM, Kluger J (2015) A tale of two syndromes: Lyme disease preceding postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome. Ann Noninvasive Electrocardiol 20(1):...
Recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy is an uncommon manifestation of neuroborreliosis. Lyme serology is an important tool when neurologic disorder occurs because of an atypical course of Lyme disease. 展开 关键词: antibiotics bacterial diseases bacterial meningitis case reports clinical aspects diagnosis disease...
Two cases of Lyme disease presenting with persistent headache.This article presents case histories of various patients. A 13-year-old girl from Massachusetts presented to her pediatrician in late summer with a two-week history of nausea, vomiting and a constant, throbbing headache. The headache ...
The mainstay of laboratory diagnosis for Lyme disease is two-tiered serological testing, in which a reactive first-tier enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) or an immunofluorescence assay is supplemented by separate IgM and IgG immunoblots. Recent data suggest that the C6 ELISA can be substitu...
a more holistic prac- titioner, but they couldn't afford to keep seeing her. It was about that time they hooked up with me, and over a period of time discovered that they actually have Lyme's disease, which has manifested itself in the joints during flare ups, causing excruciating pain...
“While the risk of getting Lyme disease remains low, we’re asking residents to take simple measures to protect themselves from tick bites while enjoying the outdoors,” GBPH senior program manager Andrew Barton said in the release. “It is important to be aware of the areas where ...
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of the study was to determine if prenatal exposure to Lyme disease was associated with an increased risk of adverse pregnancy outcome. STUDY DESIGN: Approximately 2000 Westchester County, New York, women completed questionnaires and had sera tested for antibody to Borrelia burgd...
The boom to their numbers comes from a total lack of predators, leaving the deer to reproduce with reckless abandon, causing significant upticks in Lyme disease cases, obliterate the ecosystem, and strip tree bark bare. In this photo, red deer graze in Glen Etive, Scotland. Safe haven for ...
American dog ticks prefer the blood of canines, but won’t say no to human blood either. These ticks take large blood meals so they can lay thousands of eggs. Luckily, these ticks don't carry the Lyme Disease germ but they do carry other germs that can cause the Rocky Mountain Spotted...
Alzheimer's disease is a common type of dementia that involves the loss of memory that possibly can lead to the loss of ability to carry on a conversation and respond to the surrounding. It involves the part of the brain that con...