A Two Together Railcard can be used to buy discounted tickets for travel from 09:30 Mondays to Fridays, and at any time on Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays. The only time you can't use your Two Together Railcard is at morning peak times, i.e. before 09:30 Monday to Friday. ...
Two Together Railcard Buy a Two Together Railcard for you and the person you travel with most, and enjoy 1/3 off rail fares and more. Can be used with best friends and relatives. There’s no catch. As long as you’re both on the same journey and are aged 16 or over, you can ...
不是一回事,2 for 1是买一赠一,哪里的活动吧,你得具体指出来 two together这个是地铁优惠凭证,能优惠三分之一的火车价格,在tb上就有
买票时选了16-25 railcard 查票出示Two Together Railcard行吗之前LZ订火车票的时候 想着和朋友两个人 到英国后一人各办一张16-25 railcard 比较便宜 所以订adv的票的时候就勾选了 有2张16-25 railcard订的。但今天突然发现 natiaonal rail首页有促销 Two Together Railcard,两个人只要买一张卡 而且折扣和...
预定火车票时先勾选two together card选项,你会得到便宜三分之一的火车票价,点击购买!但是一定要去买...
3人同行买火车票,错点了two together railcard。(因为后来发现根本省不到30磅,所以不想买railcard了。)求问现在该怎么办?只能硬着头皮买railcard吗?打对面客服电话,总是话说了没几句就突然挂断,5、6次电话都这样,也不知道是长途电话线路问题,还是对方故意挂断的。同时讲一下犯错的原因。我是先在national rail...
什么是Two Together Railcard? 简单说来,就是促进好友关系的英国火车打折卡。申请条件也是很简单,只要两个人年满16岁并一起申请就可以啦。铁路局强调,这个卡不是什么情侣卡,不管你们两个之间是朋友还是亲兄妹,不管是什么样的性别组合,只要是两个人就可以。所以如果你和你的朋友经常一起旅游,又超过了申请Young Per...
A1: We are 15 years hydraulic parts supplier and We can support you with the most competitive price,unrivaled Quality and Services. Q2: Can you pack me according to my request? How is the product packaged? A2: Yes, it is expor...