the relation table is used to register who a VIP knows (his contacts). My problem is when I delete a VIP. I have no problems just deleting the VIP from the Persons-table, but I also need to delete all of his contacts (not only from the Relations-table but also from the Persons-tab...
Is MySQL a DBMS? Suppose you want to enforce the following constraint: when inserting a tuple into the Purchase relation, custID must also exist in the Customer relation. If custID does not exist in the Customer table Describe the importance of...
对于一个join relation集合S,其中S中包含了n个base relations,基于dp或memoization方法,构建S的best plan时,需要满足如下条件的任意组合对(S1,S2)进行判定,基于S1的bestplan和S2的bestplan构建S的一个plan,计算这个plan是不是所有的(S1,S2)对中的bestplan。 S = S1 ∪ S2 ∧ S1 ≠ ∅ ∧ S2 ≠ ∅ S1...
Add columns to PowerShell array and write the result to a table Add computer to AD group Add computers to domain in bulk / mass Add Computers to Security Group Based on OU Add current date to email subject line Add custom AD attribute to user depending on parent OU Add Custom Function to...
but I found something interesting that [TwoFactorEnabled] and [EmailConfirmed] columns in the dbo.AspNetUsers is false. are there any relation between value in the [TwoFactorEnabled] and [EmailConfirmed] columns and VerifyTwoFactorTokenAsync(), because one of the parameter is ApplicationUser ?
@Table("departments") public classDepartment { @Id @Column("dept_no") privateString deptNo; @Column("dept_name") privateString deptName; publicString getDeptNo() { returndeptNo; } public voidsetDeptNo(String deptNo) { this.deptNo = deptNo; ...
Had to create, import, configure the MySQL Db 'by hand' now 'wizards' or phpMyAdmin. figure out what wasn't working in my old version of media wiki, with new php and mysql, blah, blah, blah. Once loaded. I know I was just using it to firgure out all the things I could hacked...
You don't have to add them to the tables just add it like I did in my last post as hardcoded values, 1 Level 1 germanraffo OP Posted 5 years ago I have one extra question: I've made this UNION: $first = DB::table('galleries'); $posts = DB::table('videos') ->union($fir...
I use a third query (invoice_adjustments) for the data in the page_footer, which also uses the invoice_header query as the master. All of the queries are MySQL components that are on the same window that the frxReport is on. I am not using the data page of the fast-report. While ...
I am trying to format a data in a datagridview to two to three decimal places but it seems not to work. The data is sent to datatable from multiple arrays of data. The datatable is finally bound to the datasource of the datagridview. Below is sample code I used...