The establishment of cell polarity is a prerequisite for many developmental processes. However, how it is achieved during tip growth in plants remains elusive. Here, we show that the RHO OF PLANTs (ROPs), ROP GUANINE NUCLEOTIDE EXCHANGE FACTORs (RopGEFs), and ROP GTPASE-ACTIVATING PROTEINs (Rop...
The existence of such cases complicates homology-based structure prediction. Can we find an example of sequence similarity between non-homologous proteins that is, nevertheless, useful for structure-function prediction and is, therefore, not a false positive? In other words, could two protein ...
Telecare has the potential to increase the quality of care while also decreasing costs. However, despite great potential, efficiency in care practices and
Composition for dyeing.The dyeing process of hair and device with two compartments, the present invention is a dye composition comprising at least one oxidation dye precursor.At least a polycondensate of ethylene oxide and propylene oxide which has the following structure: H - (- CH - CH ~ 2...
a second glide member, attached to said housing via at least one second glide member retaining structure, wherein both said first and second glide members pivot about a single pivot axis. 2. The razor cartridge of claim 1, wherein at least one of said first glide member and said second...
(, but the two bands are ~ 25 kDa apart (Fig.1A, left) which matches the expected molecular weight of the δ moiety of stj (and stol). To provide further support for the interpretation that the two bands are tagged putative α2δ and tagged α2alone, we repeated ...
The findings build on a number of recent discoveries in laboratories at NIDCD and elsewhere that have carefully plotted the structure and function of tip links and the proteins that comprise them. Earlier studies had shown that tip links are made up of two proteins—cadherin-23 (CDH23) and pr...
For both HspR and HrcA repressors, the experimentally-identified operators on the heat-shock operons promoters comprise conserved sequences similar to the well-characterized HspR and HrcA recognition sequences, known as HAIR (for HspR Associated Inverted Repeat) and CIRCE (for Controlling Inverted...
The present invention provides two-component polyurethane compositions that are substantially free of VOCs and comprising, as one component, polyisocyanate compositions and, as a se
the identification and functional annotation of broadly conserved tertiary packing motifs, illustrated pointedly [34] by a nearly invariant core packing motif belonging to ~ 125 families in the Rossmannoid superfamily. That motif is associated with a discrete supersecondary structure that binds ATP...