会有一组主要的号码(Preferred method)和一组备份的(Backup method)。 以上是绑定步骤,基本上照着亚马逊的引导操作不是什麽难事。 说完绑定,现在说说,要怎麽样解绑? 移除绑定完成后,亚马逊还是认为你有完成 Two-Step Verification,这点可以放心。 2. Also clear my Two-Step Verification settings 千万不要打勾,...
两步验证(Two-S..● 账户已登录若您已经登录了账户想修改两步验证密码,可以通过已设置的安全邮箱重置密码;若未设置安全邮箱或无法访问安全邮箱,那可以点击 Reset 按钮,等待7天重置两部验证密码。
You can set up an authenticator app to send a notification to your mobile device or to send you a verification code as your security verification method. You aren't required to use the Microsoft Authenticator app, and you can select a different app duri...
Set up your mobile device to use a text message as your verification method Sign in to your account athttps://mysignins.microsoft.com/security-info Sign in On theAdditional security verificationpage, selectAuthentication phonefrom theStep 1: How should we contact ...
官方介绍 https://support.apple.com/zh-cn/HT204915 以前已经开启两步验证的可以手动转换为新的,...
The next time you sign in you'll be prompted once again for your two-factor verification, as a safety measure. Tip:Two-step verification is also known as multi-factor authentication. To learn more about it seeWhat is: Multifactor Authentication....
如果Poshmark卖家想要更改退货地址,可以进入账号“account”部分,点击我的地址“My Address”。接着,点击更改“Change”,从以前保存的地址中选择,或者点击添加地址“Add Address”,添加一个新地址。如果Poshmark卖家正在添加或编辑一个地址,系统可能会提示卖家进行Two-Step Verification(两步验证,也称双...
Set up your office phone number as your verification method On theAdditional security verificationpage, select Office phone from theStep 1: How should we contact youarea, select your country or region from the drop-down list, type your office phone n...
亚马逊 Two-Step Verification 验证 绑定 Two-Step Verification 步骤 1. 点击右上角的[ Settings ] > [ Login Settings ] 2. 找到[ Advanced Security Settings] > [ 点击 Edit ] 3. 点击[ Get Started ] 4. 点击 Send code 后,手机就会收到一组密码。在下方输入密码后,点击 Verify code and continue ...
Notice:If your account is already bound to aLarkorganization email, you enable two-step verification, and password verification is used as the first step of the verification process, a method besides organization email verification must be used as the second step of the verification process. (This...