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showing a hard tail with a high energy cutoff of ∼ 70 keV. About two years later the source reappeared about one order of magnitude brighter in the X-rays (0.5-10 keV) and with a significantly steeper spectrum. As was the case for the low state, the data could be fitted ...
The small satellite, optimised for early photometry of kilonovae, will be particularly well suited for the follow-up observations of a wide range of transient sources, such as gamma-ray bursts (GRBs, Piran 2004; Zhang and Mészáros 2004; Mészáros 2006; Kumar and Zhang 2015), supernovae (...
Free-electron laser (FEL) sources covering the wide spectral range from extreme ultraviolet to hard X-rays represent a breakthrough in photon science, with applications in physics, chemistry and biology. Many aspects of the spectral and temporal characteristics of the FEL pulses can be tailored to...
Two and three dimensional position sensing systems and sensors for use in such systems are disclosed. The sensors incorporate linear array sensors and an aperture plate to block light or other radiati
light-emitting elements, which emit different wavelengths. The beam-combining element is a diffraction grating, arranged close to the laser chip, which diffracts only one of the beams so that the chief rays of these beams, or the beam axes, become co-axial. In this scanning device it is ...
XPS operates on the principle of using X-ray radiation to excite the innermost layers or valence electrons of atoms or molecules, causing them to emit photoelectrons. By irradiating the material’s surface with X-ray photons within an energy range of 1000–1500 eV, quantitative, and structural...
Thanks to its four onboard instruments and, in particular, the Burst And Transient Source Experiment (BATSE: 25 keV–2 MeV) and the Energetic Gamma-Ray Experiment Telescope (EGRET: 20 MeV–30 GeV), it was possible to have an energy coverage ranging from the soft X-rays to the HE gamma...
Modern pulsed X-ray sources, notably free-electron lasers (FEL) and high-harmonic generation sources, have introduced the use of X-rays as a complement to optical lasers. The most common set-up makes use of an optical laser as the pump and of an X-ray beam as the probe, providing ...