Family firms are embedded in their macro-environmental settings (Bansal and Song2016). Therefore, macro-environmental analysis is an essential component of strategic management (David and David2017; Fahey and Narayanan1986; Kail2010). To make the conceptual connection between the two spheres of SEW ...
R. H. Cornish, M. S. Kolansky und R. Pfeffer, Mass transport around two spheres at low Reynolds numbers, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 17 (1974), S. 1425-1436.Aminzadeh K, Taha TRAI, Cornish ARH, Kolansky MS, Pfeffer R (1974) Mass transport around two spheres at low Reynolds ...
A “Batch recursive feature extraction (small molecules)” process was employed to find [M + H]+ ions. Height thresholds of 1500 and 8000 counts for mass and chromatographic peaks were used, respectively, and a minimum quality score of 70. Feature alignment between samples was performed ...
Borosilicate glass, also known as Pyrex and Duran glass, is a laboratory glass with an RI in the range 1.470–1.474, a density of 2230 kg/m3, and a thermal expansion coefficient of 3 × 10−6K−1which is generally lower than soda-lime glass but higher than fused quartz. The literatu...
1.A process for the oxidation of ethylene to ethylene oxide, the process comprising:providing an impregnated solid support having a surface, which support has been impregnated with at least a catalytically effective amount of silver metal or a silver-containing compound;subjecting the impregnated soli...
We investigate the two-photon fluorescence (TPF) of conjugated polymer (CP) microspheres with diameters up to tens of micrometers. Two polymers, emitting in either the violet or red, were first synthesized and characterized in terms of their one-photon f
For this fine space resolution, small time steps are reduced to Δ𝑡=2×10−6Δt=2×10−6 s to have stable simulations. In agreement with the experiments, each run lasts a few seconds of simulated time. 4.1. Original and Unified Model To illustrate the benefit of the proposed ...
At small q in the in-plane direction, calculations predict that the screening function ε−1(q) shows a marked dip [50], a feature that can be explained using simple models of screening for a 2D sheet in a 3D environment. As a consequence, GW and optical property calculations employing...
Nunes, Hawking mass and local rigidity of minimal two-spheres in three-manifolds, Comm. Anal. Geom. 21 (2013), no. 2, 409432.D. Maximo and I. Nunes, Hawking mass and local rigidity of minimal two-spheres in three-manifolds, Comm. Anal. Geom. 21 (2013), no. 2, 409-432....