International Press of BostonMaximo D., Nunes I.: Hawking mass and local rigidity of minimal two-spheres in three-manifolds. Commun. Anal. Geom. 21 (2), 409–432 (2013) MATH MathSciNetD. Maximo and I. Nunes, Hawking mass and local rigidity of minimal two-spheres in three-manifolds, ...
macro-environmental analysis is an essential component of strategic management (David and David2017; Fahey and Narayanan1986; Kail2010). To make the conceptual connection between the two spheres of SEW and strategic management tangible, we shift our perspective to specific activities. To delve...
Electrochemical two-electron water oxidation reaction (2e-WOR) has drawn significant attention as a promising process to achieve the continuous on-site production of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). However, compared to the cathodic H2O2 generation, the anodic
The Hashin–Shtrikman bounds are thus ΣB=Σ+ or Σ− satisfying Σ−≤Σ∗≤Σ+, where Σ+ and Σ− are obtained when the comparison material are the largest Σc=max0≤r≤nΣr and the smallest Σc=min0≤r≤nΣr conducting phase respectively. If the comparison material is neit...
A simple prediction of the RI of a multicomponent liquid can be made using the empirical Arago-Biot (AB) equation (Arago and Biot 1806; Reis et al. 2010), which is based on linear volumetric additivity for each component in the mixture: $$n = \sum\limits_{i} {\varphi_{i} n{}_...
A small protein, Tic12, was also recently reported to be an additional component of the 1-MDa TIC complex (Zhao et al., 2022). This 1-MDa TIC complex was reported to be conserved in the green algae Chlamydomonas and to form a stable supercomplex with the well-characterized TOC components...
1). The wavelength of the incident X-ray is 1.239 Å. The charge-coupled device (CCD) detector, placed perpendicular to the incident beam, is used to record the 2D GISAXS patterns. The PNSs in solution are first characterized by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and the one-...
This review (162 references) focuses on two-dimensional carbon materials, which include graphene as well as its allotropes varying in size, number of layer
The angular location of these peaks is governed by the relation dkFjj d¼ the tan y ¼ pðn À 1=4Þ for each FS pocket, where n is an integer, 6.03 Å Fermi is the interplanar distance and kFjj wave-number on the conducting is the projection of plane23. While the multi...