Body and mind are the two sides of one coin, distinguished though by different representational organizations. This perspective is pertinent to Freud's 1915 definition of the drive as the body's demand on the mind. It also opens interesting perspectives for the elaboration of a preservative drive...
9 月底,薛业谔抵达哥本哈根,玻尔定火车站去接:得争论从那以刻便已经家说,日日夜夜,无休无止,以直定薛业谔最终离说哥本哈根得海森堡我高栩栩如主地回忆中力次碰面,:等,虽然平日里玻尔和以是来蔼而亲一都,但以旦卷入力种物人争论,:看起高程像以是偏执一宗教狂热学,决们肯妥协以步得争论当然和物人心一问题,...
2009. “Two Sides of One Coin: The Party’s Attitude toward Confucianism in Contemporary China.” Journal of Contemporary China 18, no. 61, 689–701.Ai Jiawen, “Two Sides of One Coin: The Party’s Attitude Toward Confucianism in Contemporary China,” The Journal of Contemporary China , ...
6 殊途同归 Two Sides of One Coin书名: 上帝掷骰子吗?:量子物理史话(升级版·2024新版)作者名: 曹天元本章字数: 19056字更新时间: 2024-08-12 17:56:23首页 书籍详情 目录 听书 自动阅读摸鱼模式 加入书架 字号 背景 手机阅读 举报 上QQ阅读APP看后续精彩内容 下载QQ阅读APP,第一时间看更新 登录订阅...
“one coin has two sides”的直接含义与深层含义 直接含义:“one coin has two sides”这句话的直接含义非常直观,即指一个硬币具有两个面——正面与反面。这是对其物理形态的直接描述,表达了硬币作为一种货币形式,其本质特征是具有两个对称的面。 深层含义: 事物具有两面性...
two sides of a coin谚语 "Two sides of a coin" is a commonly used proverb that illustrates the idea that every situation or concept has both positive and negative aspects. Just like a coin has two sides, everything in life has two perspectives - good and bad. This proverb reminds us ...
Paradox and discovery are two sides of the same coin. 矛盾和发现是同一枚硬币的两面。 ELECTRICITY and magnetism are two sides of the same coin. 电和磁是一枚硬币的两面。 In a sense, Zuckerberg and Assange are two sides of the same coin. 在某种程度上,扎克伯格和阿桑奇是一个硬币的两面。
every coin has two sides 每个硬币都有两面 事情都有其两面性 双语对照 例句:1.The benefit and risk of finance are two sides of one coin.金融的益处和风险是一件事的正反两个方面。2.Mahler's life and his music were two sides of the same coin.马勒的生活和他的音乐是一个硬币的2面...
Every coin has two sides 任何事情总有两面性 双语对照 例句:1.The benefit and risk of finance are two sides of one coin.金融的益处和风险是一件事的正反两个方面。2.Mahler's life and his music were two sides of the same coin.马勒的生活和他的音乐是一个硬币的2面。
Two sides of the same coin? Examining the interrelation between the proposed new human right and the law governing outer space The basis of the law governing outer space was set out more than fifty years ago, but the nature of space activities has dramatically changed over the year... IR ...