two sides of a coin谚语 “两面硬币”这个谚语常用来比喻一件事物有两种不同的解释或表现形式,就像硬币有正反两面一样,这个谚语也有两面。在这篇文章中,我将会探讨这个谚语的两面,并运用现实生活中的例子来说明其内涵。 第一面:一件事有两种不同的解释或表现形式。 像硬币一样,我们可以把谚语“两面硬币”当作...
two sides of a coin Linguee +人工智能=DeepL翻译器 翻译较长的文本,请使用世界上最好的在线翻译! ▾ 英语-中文正在建设中 two sides— 两侧 · 二侧 sides复— 侧面复 · 两侧名 coin— 钱 · 铸币 · 钿 查看更多用例•查看其他译文 查看其他译文...
two sides of a coin谚语 "Two sides of a coin" is a commonly used proverb that illustrates the idea that every situation or concept has both positive and negative aspects. Just like a coin has two sides, everything in life has two perspectives - good and bad. This proverb reminds us ...
Two seemingly different things that are actually similar. In contrast to the other side of the coin, which does betoken a different side, this cliché emphasizes similarity—for example, “A talent for music and facility in mathematics are two sides of the same coin.” ...
This is a free country, the maid said 这是一个自由国度 女侍者说This is why I am not serving you 这就是为什么我不为你服务Never forget it—a coin has two sides 永远别忘这点---一个硬币有两面So does freedom of religious belief 宗教信仰也是如此You get right and freedom to believe 你有信...
The two sides of a coin are known as ‘___’ and ‘tail’. A.eye B.face C.head D.nose 点击查看答案进入小程序搜题 你可能喜欢 The speaker, ___ for her splendid speeches, was warmly received by the audience. A、having known B、being known C、knowing D、known 点击查看答案进入小程序...
Every coin has two sides.这句话的意思是:每个硬币都有两面。这句话是一个常见的成语,用来比喻任何事情都有两面性,或者说任何事物都有其正反两面。就像硬币一样,虽然有正面和背面的区别,但它们都是硬币的一部分,互相依存,缺一不可。这个成语常常用来提醒人们,在看待任何问题时,都应该从多个...
regarding a culture of peace and sustainable development, best captured by the image of being the“two sides of the same coin”. 当务之急是从整体着眼制定和平文化与可持续发展政策,可以将这两方面极为形象地 比喻为“同一枚硬币的正反面”。
Each coin has two sides (每个硬币都有两面)看到题目,你可能会说每个硬币当然有两个面,还不一样呢,有什么稀奇的?其实这是一个比喻,是想说事情都有两面,不一定是正面和反面,因为两面没有好坏之分,重要的是两面组成了完整的一个硬币,如果你能经常从两个面去考虑事情,将会比较完整,也更能看全面。1、...
The two sides of a coin are known as ‘___’ and ‘tail’. A. eye B. face C. head D