The Female Body in Second Life: Considerations of Feminism and Queer Theory in Two Female-Only SpacesIntroductionThe internet and its applications hold the potential for re-embodying oneself as...Elund, JudeThe University of Western Australia, Women's StudiesOutskirts...
It was, she writes, “a queer thing” that came on top of years of queer things: finding herself an outcast in her own country (Jewish in Nazi Germany); having to uproot herself and navigate the bureaucratic and financial challenges of leaving Germany; making her way to a new country (...
Gold Finger– A corner pub-style bar with specialty nights, like FTM Bois Bar, as well as holiday-centricparties. It’s women and non-male identifying folk focused, though all genders are welcome during the week. However, Saturdays are strictly female-only. Dragon Men– You’ll find the e...
Due to the small number of participants identifying with a gender other than cis/trans male/female, we decided not to add an additional dummy for this group. However, when including these participants and adding a second dummy variable to the model, results replicated (see supplements S1-S4)....
in an unidentified mixed-gender environment (“Tell me what the fuck we’re doing here/Why are all the boys acting strange?”). The narrating sister responds with the transition line that urges rebellion against sexual repression: “We’ve got to show them we’re more than queer....
Hence, identifying emotions during a CRT based course is a necessary first step, but needs to be complemented with a contextual analysis of those emotions (cf. Mesquita & Boiger, 2014; Chatterjee et al., 2019), in which we look deeper into how students emotionally relate and respond to the...
about the process of decision-making this spring and summer about fall term planning, we were struck by how it was the first time the two of us have been part of discussions at the college where faculty members are identifying themselves explicitly as “workers” and administrators as “bosses...
Transphobia is an under-examined but important type of prejudice to study in Polish culture. Poland is a country where a majority of transgender people fee
group and retrieve data with similar characteristics or meaning [108] in order to create themes. Rather than themes emerging clearly from the data, the generation of themes is an active, creative, and interpretative process with authors taking an active role in identifying patterns and clusters [...
it is difficult to determine what is contributing to mixed findings studying the same health-related outcomes. However, it is evident to the authors of this study that there is a need to begin identifying the types of designs and characteristics (e.g., duration of detox, usage limits imposed...