此外还包含《双点医院》前4款DLC(“大脚”、“佩博里岛”、“第三类接触”及“隔离生活”),附加2份物品包(“复古物品包”及“展览物品包”)。 双点医院 建造、治疗和精进! 你将从无到有建造一座医院,设计整个双点县最美观、或是最实用的医疗机构。
For better or worse,Two Point Hospitalis a habit-forming game. By this, I mean that it's difficult to put down. On one hand, that means its gameplay is engaging but on the other hand, that doesn't necessarily mean it's always enjoyable. As I played, I regularly found myself staring...
將《Two Point Hospital》升級至 JUMBO Edition,即可獲得滿滿的《Two Point Hospital》全新好康內容! 這是我們首次針對遊戲機版,在 JUMBO Edition 升級中加入大量粉絲喜愛的《Two Point Hospital》內容,讓家透過雙點郡的新區域體驗更豐富的內容。 全新醫院登場,玩家將面對全新的疾病,絕對一個比一個荒謬!當然,異於尋...
這是Nintendo Switch軟體「Two Point Hospital™」的新增內容一覽頁面。
「Two Point Hospital: JUMBO Edition」以及「JUMBO Edition 升級」中均含有本商品。請注意不要重複購買。 A 需要空間 3.0MB 平台 Nintendo Switch 廠商 SEGA 發布日 2021年3月5日 為了安裝下載到主機上的商品,可能要有大於標示容量的空間,或只限小於標示的空間。
Explore Family/Simulation/Strategy game Two Point Hospital for PS4 console from the official PlayStation website.Check out Two Point Hospital features, news, videos, screen shots, and buy the game now from PlayStation Store.
Two Point Hospital 双点医院的视频,攻略,评测,图片,评分,讨论, 帮助你判断是否好玩,发现更多相似好游戏及爱玩这些游戏的人
Design stunning hospitals, decorate them as you like, cure very unusual illnesses and manage troublesome staff as you spread your budding healthcare organisation across Two Point County. Two Point Hospital includes two DLC - "Bigfoot" and "Pebberley Island" Design and build your own hospital ...
Design stunning hospitals, decorate them as you like, cure very unusual illnesses and manage troublesome staff as you spread your budding healthcare organisation across Two Point County. Design and build your own hospital Build up a hospital from nothing to a masterpiece as you design the most ...