1) Two Phase Locking 两段锁(2PL) 2) two-phase locking protocol 两步法封锁协议 (2PL) 3) 2PL 两段锁 1. ,locked-based) or optimistic concurrency control protocols,the research analyses mechanisms of the basic2PLprotocol and the OCC protocol as well as2PL-HP protocol and the PCP protocol...
A case for non-two-phase locking protocols that ensure atomicity. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 9(4), 1983.Silberschatz, A., A Case for Non-Two-Phase Locking Protocols that Ensure Atomicity, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering Vol.SE-9 No.4, 1983...
In this paper we perform a systematic study of the consequences of allowing lock conversions in non-two-phase locking protocols, and show how this leads to increased concurrency and affects deadlock-freedom. The non-two-phase protocols that we study are the very general guard protocols defined ...
3) two-phase locking multiversion protocol 两阶段封锁多版本协议 4) 2-SL 两阶段锁 5) 2PL(two-phase locking) protocol 两阶段封锁协议 6) 2PL 两段锁 1. ,locked-based) or optimistic concurrency control protocols,the research analyses mechanisms of the basic2PLprotocol and the OCC protocol as...
compareitwithotherrelatedprotocols.Theresultsofexperimentsindicatethattheprotocolperformswellasexpected. KeywordsMRTDB;multiversionconcurrencycontrol;twophaselockingconcurrencycontrol;priority 随着无线通信技术和便携式设备的飞速发展, 人们希望能随时随地获取自己需要的数据.面对这 种需求,基于固定主机和有线网络的分布式数据...
Second phase: decision (commit or abort) Both protocols, distributed transaction commit and distributed marriage, are susceptible to failures: messages can get lost (e.g., if the bride speaks too low) or may be repeated (e.g., someone says “yes, yes, yes”), and any of the involved ...
A conveyance tracking system provides two-phase transaction commit processing for synchronizing seal state information between a seal device attached to a conveyance and a host for tracking conveyance
The BioLection and LUA protocols can be found together with the raw data as Supplementary Data S4. All optical densities mentioned above were measured in a Specord 200 plus (Analytic Jena) using dilutions that allowed measurements in the range of OD750nm 0.2-0.7. Processing of the data has ...
Jul 1 04:09:09.710: ISAKMP: (1003):purging SA., sa=3DA05D84, delme=3DA05D84 Related Information IPsec Negotiation/IKE Protocols Technical Support & Documentation - Cisco Systems
Except for the type of surgical approach used (laparoscopy or minilaparotomy), the two study protocols were identical. The investigators/operators at each site were required to be experienced surgeons. The Family Health International (FHI) institutional review board approved the two protocols on June...