have been found to be more suitable for extrapolation to a wide range of system parameters than the other two-phase flow regime maps available in the literature. The original criteria for all cases are used to predict the transition lines, except for the transition to dispersed flow regime in...
For these tubes, experimental data support the use of a flow regime map of the type proposed by Breber et al. (1980), which was developed for condensation in smooth tubes. Based on results of the testing of two straight and three coiled fluted tubes, a generalized, modified Breber-style...
Many flow regime maps in current use for modelling two-phase flow with rod bundles were developed for adiabatic situations and without interface mass transfer being taken into account. This paper describes the development of a flow regime map which includes the modeliing the mass transfer...
Chaptertwo—Two-phase flowpatternsandflow patternmaps (第二章-两相流型和流型图)•——gas-liquidtwo-phaseflow hasobviousinterface(气液两相流动具有明显的流动界面)•——hasvariousgeometric configurations(流动具有各种不同的几何构型) 1、Flowpatternorflowregime(流型) Introduction(简介)姓浚晒王司渺宴鲜...
The purpose of this investigation is to develop models for two-phase heat transfer, void fraction, andpressure drop, three key design parameters, in single, smooth, horizontal tubes using a common probabilistic two-phaseflow regime basis. Probabilistic two-phase flow maps are experimentally developed...
two-phase Rowstratified flowflow regime mapinterfacial drag coefficientvoid fractionreactor safetysafety analysisTRAC-PF1Horizontally stratified two-phase flow is one of the important phenomena for analysis of small-break loss of coolant accidents (SBLOCAs) in a pressurized water reactor (PWR). Thus,...
A flow regime based condensation model is developed for refrigerants in single, smooth, horizontal tubes utilizing a generalized probabilistic two-phase flow map. Flow map time fraction information is used to provide a physically based weighting of heat transfer models developed for different flow ...
In this review paper, the two-phase cocurrent downward flow regime map and models are compared for the 25.4mm, 40mm, 50.8mm, 80mm and 101.6mm pipe diameters and compared through the use of objective and subjective methods such as neural network, ReliefF-Fuzzy C-means clustering algorithm, di...