Hispanic/Latino 2.7% Two or more races 1.8% Black or African American 0.9% Asian or Asian/Pacific Islander Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander and American Indian or Alaska Native are not included in this breakdown due to an enrollment of 0%. Full-time teachers 36 Percentage of full-ti...
Two or more races 3.3% Hispanic/Latino 2.0% Black or African American 2.0% American Indian or Alaska Native 1.3% Asian or Asian/Pacific Islander Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander is not included in this breakdown due to an enrollment of 0%. 35% economically disadvantaged students at Tw...
Hispanic Democrats Will Invite Two Latino Florida Republicans to Join CaucusA Democrats-only Hispanic caucus will formally invite two Latino Republicans to join their...BarronLopez, Laura
Voters for the first time elected two Black women to serve simultaneously in the Senate and sent an openly transgender lawmaker to Congress on Tuesday. They’re among historic choices in nearly a dozen races showing Americans opting for more diverse representation even with issues such asaffirmative...
“Growth.” It’s a word that many people in the Boise area have grown to hate over the last few years.
On the origin of races: “We all came from Adam and Eve, right? So we’re all related. … Of course, Adam and Eve were white. But in Genesis there is a verse that refers to the ‘beast in the field.’ That’s the bible’s acknowledgement of blacks.” On whether we should quest...
And in a very blue Boston, the Democratic primary is the last word in many of the local races, including the 12th Suffolk. “All of a sudden, here’s the holiday and here’s the election and bang,” Skillin said. “It’s too bad. The candidates haven’t been out in full force,...
... In Florida, where he blew away Cuban-American Marco Rubio making his last stand in his home state, Trump garnered 26% of the sizable Latino vote, but 40% of the non-Cuban Hispanic vote. http://bzfd....
Hispanic/Latino 1.7% Two or more races 0.6% Asian or Asian/Pacific Islander 0.4% American Indian or Alaska Native 0.1% Black or African American Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander is not included in this breakdown due to an enrollment of 0%. 57% economically disadvantaged students at Os...
Hispanic/Latino 3.5% Black or African American 1.7% Two or more races 0.8% American Indian or Alaska Native 0.1% Asian or Asian/Pacific Islander Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander is not included in this breakdown due to an enrollment of 0%. 97% economically disadvantaged students at Tw...