Five of Cups- broken relationship Lovers- union, marriage, connection Temperance- connection, working together Ten of Cups- kinship, family ties, connections DESCRIPTION To understand the 2 of Cups, all you have to do is look at its image. A man and a woman are gazing at each other, ready...
Two of Cups Tarot Card Description The card has a picture of two human beings. One is a man and the other is a woman. They are exchanging cups and swearing their love and loyalty towards each other. Above their heads, creativity is floating. There is a winged staff in the picture which...
2 of Wands Tarot Card Meaning –Upright and Reversed. Explore its meaning when it comes to emotions, love, career, and its 'yes or no' guidance.
A photographic journey via the archetypical images represented by the 22 Major Arcana of the | Check out 'Tarot Photography Series Part Two' on Indiegogo.
- Two of Cups from Tarotkaartenleggen "Two of Chalices: The Lord of Love: A white Radiant Hand, issuant from the lower part of the card from a cloud, holds lotuses. A lotus flower rises above water, which occupies the lower part of the card rising above the hand. From this flower ...