whereUiare independent random numbers uniformly distributed in(−1/2,1/2)andWis the single parameter to characterize the disorder strength. With nonzeroW, the short range partHNN+V
It should be emphasized that the architecture of hidden layer depends on the complexity of problems, and may include some independent layers with different numbers of neurons in each of them. While, the number of neurons in the first and last layers equal to the number of input and output ...
A method and an apparatus for classifying messages in a mobile terminal having more than two phone numbers are provided to use SMS(Short Message Service) or MMS(Multimedia Message Service) independently through one mobile terminal in case that more than two phone numbers are granted to a mobile...
3C). Separation of the two blackfish species was attributed primarily to higher numbers of Daternomina (Trichoptera), Talitridae (Amphipoda), Orthocladiinae, Rheotanytarsus, Paramerina and Nilobezzia (Diptera), and Sternopriscus larvae (Coleoptera) in the gut contents of river blackfish. By ...
Ticks were acquired from the Oklahoma State Tick Rearing Facility (OSU) (Stillwater, OK, USA). Equal numbers of each sex and species (I. scapularisandA. americanum) were obtained. For each lot ofI. scapularisandA. americanumand prior to shipment to the study site, OSU screened a subsample ...
To characterize native Mta2-containing protein complexes, the gel lane was excised in 48 equal fractions from bottom to top (Fig. 1B). Following in-gel digestion, we analyzed each fraction by LC-MS/MS. MS data for each fraction was analyzed independently with MaxQuant to derive protein ide...
The numbers given for the pT thresholds of the electron and muon in the eμ final state correspond to the leading and subleading particles. The pT threshold for the τh candidates is the result of an optimization of the expected exclusion limits of the signal. Empty Celleμeτhμτh pT(...
(top panel) of ZmSUN3 and ZmSUN4 in various plant tissues. Protein was loaded on an equal-fresh-weight basis for leaf, root, silk, husk, earshoot, embryo, meiosis-stage tassel, and postmeiotic tassel, resulting in the detection of a single band of ~72 kDa. (C) Immunoblot showing ...
, n– N. Moreover, a vector τ = [τ1…τn]T comprises positive real numbers determining the amount of the extension. Having these, the surrogate model domain XS is defined as $$X_{S} = \left\{ \begin{gathered} {\varvec{x}} = s_{r} ({\varvec{f}}) + \sum\limits_...
We stratified KD into three age groups: those aged less than or equal to 6 months, those aged between 6 months and 1 year, and those older than 1 year. Younger patients tended to receive TBSF, possibly attributable to the fact that each vial of TBSF contains 3 g, in contrast to ...