The two newly ordered vessels – currently referred to as World Class 3 and 4 – will be delivered in 2026 and 2027. MSC says that the first two World Class ships already have an energy efficiency significantly better than theIMO EEXI requirementsand that the new ships will be an evolution...
Unusual luxury hotel floats into city: The River Explorer, built on two barges, brought 175 tourists to area in high styleBRIAN BOWLING
When the last Thomson son was born in 1926 the family into a newly-built house at 328 Glengall Grove (address is now 5 Tiller Road). Tiller Road. Former 328 Glengall Road is second from left (now No. 5). On 25th January 1941, Donald, aged 19 and a sapper in the Royal Engineers...
Aker Philadelphia Shipyard is a leading U.S. commercial shipyard constructing vessels for operation in the Jones Act market. The shipyard delivered four newly-built Jones Act containerships forMatsonbetween 2003 and 2006. "We have a proven track record of building containerships and are greatly looki...
Built as an oil tanker intended for use in WWI, the war ended before the SS Palo Alto saw service, and the ship was later sold to Seacliff Amusement Corp. of Nevada, which towed the ship to Seacliff State Beach in 1929. Used as a party boat outfitted with casinos, dance halls, and...
I am taken down to the wharves, by antiquaries of a ten or twelve years’ range, to identify the two points, now known as Clark’s and Rincon, which formed the little cove of Yerba Buena, where we used to beach our boats — now filled up and built upon. The island we called “...