Adoption, the act of taking another individual’s offspring and treating it as one’s own, is rare but widely observed in various mammal species and may increase the survival of adoptees. Adoption may also benefit adoptive mothers, for example they might
It was expected that relationships between two mothers would potentially pose a psychic threat to their identities, specifically their investment in motherhood and family. How they would manage this threat and the discourses they invested in was the research aim. The paper discusses the process of ...
Prince Paul at once gathered together a goodly crowd of fathers and mothers, uncles and aunts, brothers and sisters, cousins and connections. A large and loud-voiced dame, “Gozeli,” swore that she was his “proper Ngwe,” being one of his numerous step mas, and she would not move wi...
Analysis of the data collected through in-depth interviews with the girls' teachers, mothers and therapists was informed by the reflective lifeworld research approach of Dahlberg et al. (2008). The broader theme identified, negotiating motor in/capabilities, comprised the constituent sub-themes (i)...