Atmospheric Environment 39, 6420A6429.Gabrielli P and 9 others (2005) Variations in atmospheric trace elements in Dome C (East Antarctica) ice over the last two climatic cycles. Atmos. Environ., 39(34), 6420-6429 (doi: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2005.07.025)...
A concep- tual model is presented which explains the observed two-year cyclesby relating the regional hydrological subsystems of the UpperColorado River Basin with each other and with the major atmosphericcirculation over the western United States. Deviations from theregional cyclical behaviour are ...
NSF-OPP 1737716 and NSF-CAREER 2044616 to E.K.T.; NSF-CAREER 1847791 to J.L.C.; National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration award number NA18OAR4310427 to S.G.D.; PalMod, the German palaeoclimate modelling initiative, part of the Research for Sustainable Development initiative funded by...
Over the past eight hundred thousand years, glacial–interglacial cycles oscillated with a period of one hundred thousand years (‘100k world’1). Ice core and ocean sediment data have shown that atmospheric carbon dioxide, Antarctic temperature, deep ocean temperature, and global ice volume correlat... Retrieved 1 June 2014 Aston, F.W.: XLIV. The constitution of atmospheric neon. Lond. Edinb. Dublin Philos. Mag. J. Sci. 39(232), 449–455 (1920) Article CAS Google Scholar Download references Acknowledgments This work was performed with partial support of the ...
You've got water and these basic atmospheric gases, and they get struck by lightning.And bingo, organic compounds are created, and you've got the building blocks of life, not life itself, just some of the necessary elements for life....
The solar soft X-ray observations from the GOES satellites now span two full Hale cycles and provide one of the best quantitative records of solar activity, with nearly continuous flare records since 1975. We present a uniform new reduction of the entire time series for 1975 to 2022 at NOAA...
The simulation of multiphase flow in pipes is usually performed by petroleum engineers with two main purposes: 1) design of new pipelines and production systems; 2) diagnosis of flow assurance problems in existing systems. The tools used for this calculation are computer codes that use published ...
The Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer has been hailed as the most successful environmental treaty ever ( ). Yet, although our main concern ab
In this study, field sampling was conducted at different times in three of the most productive shellfish beds in Galicia, where shellfishing activity has modified intertidal beds during decades. The study had two main objectives: (1) to assess the population structure, including the reproductive ...