two kinds主要内容英语 "Two Kinds" is a short story written by Chinese writer J. M. Coetzee. It tells the story of a mother and her daughter in contemporary China. The mother, a strong-willed and determined woman, dreams of her daughter becoming a successfulpianist. She forces her daughter...
Study “Two Kinds” by Amy Tan, a short story from the popular book ‘’The Joy Luck Club.” Read a summary of “Two Kinds” and a discussion of the...
Short Story Two Kinds In thestory"TwoKinds‚" the narrator is a Chinese-American girl who is locked in a struggle over her identity with her Chinese immigrant mother‚ who believes "that you could be anything you wanted to be in America." This particular struggle invokes the mother’s ...
Introduction In the short story “two kinds”, the author wrote a story between a Chinese immigrant mother and her daughter, who was born in the US. The setting of the two main characters reveals the bitter and sweet relationships between them. The Chinese immigrant mother used traditional ...
Amy Tans Two Kinds essaysFor a lot of us growing up, our mothers have been an integral part of what made us who we are. They have been the one to forgive us when no one else could. They have been the one to comfort us when the world seemed to turn to e
aTwo kinds is one of the classic short stories in English. Last summer, the story Two kinds were read. After that, my teacher show the movie called The Joy Luck Club. From reading the story to watching the movie, the thoughts still be maintained. So the the essay" Analysis of the Con...
Lesson 2 Two Kinds Lesson2TwoKinds AmyTan AmyTan AmyTan ChineseAmericanwriterBorninOakland,California,in1952Master’sdegreeinlinguisticsfromSanJoseStateuniversityAconsultanttoprogramsfordisabledchildren,laterafree-lancewriter.Hermajorworks HerfirstbookTheJoyLuckClubpublishedin1989 TheKetchenGod’sWife(1991)The...
KindsonlytalksaboutonegirlnamedJing-meiandhermother. Introduction Intheshortstory“twokinds”,theauthorwroteastorybetween aChineseimmigrantmotherandherdaughter,whowasbornintheUS. Thesettingofthetwomaincharactersrevealsthebitterandsweet relationshipsbetweenthem.TheChineseimmigrantmotherused ...
two kinds ElementsofNovel •Plots•Characters•Environments •Theplotofthetraditionalshortstorycontainsthreeparts:beginning,middleandend.•InTwoKinds,Para1-3canberegardedasthebeginning,PartOne;Para4-76canbetakenasthemiddle,PartTwo;Para77-93canreferredtoastheend,PartThree.Part1(Backgroundinformation)...