《TwoKinds》梗概 TwoKindsbyAmyTanfromtheJoyLuckClubtellsusastory amongmothersandtheirowndaughters.Itrevealsthebittersweet relationshipsbetweenthemothersandthedaughters.Thispassage mainlyfocusesontherelationshipbetweenSuyanWooandherdaughter Jing-mei. AlthoughSuyanWoohasbecomethecitizenofAmerica,her mindisstill...
Need help with Part 2, Chapter 4: Two Kinds in Amy Tan's The Joy Luck Club? Check out our revolutionary side-by-side summary and analysis.
After reading theJoy Luck Club, we may have such a feeling that even if the rain falls in torrential rain, the four mothers and daughters can still stand up to their chests, face life squarely, and grin generously. 对于Li Do和Waverly来说,正是因为身为母亲的Li Do经历过被控制的人生,才会那...
她也有失望,她望着镜子,谴责自己,为什么自己不是奇迹,为什么不够优秀。然而她醒悟了,或许是受美国文化的影响,她不想成为其他人,她只想成为自己。这是非常西方的思想。成为自己。 静美跨过了自己的坎却跨不过固执的妈妈。 即使表演失败,母亲还是不愿意接受静美成为不了奇迹的事实,一如既往的让静美弹钢琴。最终,不...
Study “Two Kinds” by Amy Tan, a short story from the popular book ‘’The Joy Luck Club.” Read a summary of “Two Kinds” and a discussion of the...
REPORTtwo kindsThe Reading Report ofTwo kinds "Two Kinds”is taken from The Joy Luck Club, written by Amy Tan, who is a prominent Chinese American writer. Set in China and the United States, the novel explores the conflicts between the mothers and the daughters. Distinguished from other ...
Summary PDF Cite Share Your browser does not support the element. Introduction “Two Kinds” is a short story by Amy Tan, and it is one of the sixteen interconnected short stories that comprises Tan’s novel The Joy Luck Club.“Two Kinds” was first published independently as a short ...
Two kinds Summary 《Two Kinds》梗概 Two Kinds by Amy Tan from the Joy Luck Club tells us a story among mothers and their own daughters. It reveals the bittersweet relationships between the mothers and the daughters. This passage mainly focuses on the relationship between Suyan Woo and her dau...
The Joy Luck Club,written by Amy Tan in 1989, focuses on four Chinese-American immigrant families who start a club known as “The Joy Luck Club” in which they play the Chinese game of Mahjong for money while feasting on a variety of food. There are twelve chapters divided into four sec...