Beliefs about these matters could not define the attributes of personhood were they formed under compulsion of the State.” Freedom to choose trumps even reality itself, and relativism in all its forms was enshrined as dogma. The only self-evident truth is that there is no objective truth. Suc...
1To what extent were Jewish communities throughout the Ottoman lands and elsewhere affected by these claims and notions of sovereignty? This question is es-pecially pertinent as the Jewish communities, for the most part, lacked any weighty influence on these large processes, as they were deprived...
Why it became this is a long and complicated story, but why it shouldn’t have, or more to the point, why we should make this doctrine one of our core beliefs in the here and now, is worth reflecting upon. God always anticipates various attacks upon belief by raising up saints to ...
So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.(Matt 7:12) The phrase Law and Prophets was a Jewish idiom for their Scriptures, the Old Testament. While we think of the Golden Rule as a New Testament idea, Jesus said...
1. ChristianityChristianity began life as a Jewish sect. Far from attempting to find a new religion, the first Christians viewed themselves as Jews following the teachingsof the Jewish Messiah. It was only later, after many non-Jews converted, that Chris
He declared it vital for the church to attempt to bring the Messiah of the Jews to the Jewish people who did not yet know him. If Hitler's laws were adopted, this would be impossible. His dramatic and somewhat shocking conclusion was that not only should the church allow Jews to be a...
Jewish astrologers maintained that when there was a conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in Pisces, the Messiah would come. In ancient Jewish astrology, the constellation of Pisces was known as the House of Israel, the sign of the Messiah. Jupiter was the royal star of the house of David and ...
It was Who He was the moment He took flesh to Himself. We might be tempted to file this away as an interesting reflection on the truth of the Incarnation, as something that we simply believe, without taking the time to realize it. The necessity of allowing our beliefs to be realized is...
Beliefs about these matters could not define the attributes of personhood were they formed under compulsion of the State.” Freedom to choose trumps even reality itself, and relativism in all its forms was enshrined as dogma. The only self-evident truth is that there is no objective truth. ...
It is common for us to use this as Scriptural proof of the virgin birth of the Messiah, but unfortunately very little attention is paid to what this actually means. More to the point, we often substitute our idea of the virginal birth with the idea of the virginal conception. Both of ...