Accordingly, the data from 1734 rural households from 28 provinces in mainland China were collected in the current study, and endogenous switching regression (ESR) models were used to correct the selection bias to quantitatively evaluate the impacts of RPM on fertility intention. The results revealed...
Suddenly, the criminal justice system is problematic, but I think for both of us, I think for both of us, this was revealing about a theme that we’ve talked about on our show consistently and that is the role of the criminal justice system in inequality. And the reason I think Republi...
to save on living expenses, such workers can live in peri-urban villages (i.e., urban villages) where the average rent is much lower than that of other housing estates in the downtown district, but the dwelling environment is poorer than that of other ...
one more child if the firstborn is a girl. Parents with a son preference may spend more time on sons, which may lead the only-child effect impact being overestimated when it is positive (and underestimated when it is negative). Thus, we control for students’ gender in the IV estimation...
For others, talk of being an essential worker was completely meaningless. Working in a supermarket was still just a low-paid and low-status job, within which you simply did what you were told. When the impacts of the Delta and Omicron waves meant that many supermarket staff were sick with...
Promoted by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in particular, fiscal austerity measures have been extensively implemented across the world in the last decade as a policy prescription to address the impacts of economic shocks. Consequently, the implementation of austerity has engendered a vast body ...
Asking me for my view on how to do social distancing or whether it’ll be safe is like asking my students to “weigh in” on whether race is biologically real. I don’t have that discussion with them. I have them read social science research about the impacts of people having that fal...
natureofglobalizationinitsimpactonwomen.Globalizationhas bothadvancedandmarginalizedwomen.Whileglobalizationdoescreatebetter jobsandneweconomicopportunities,italsohasnegativeimpactsonwomenin termsofpersonallives.Thispaperexaminesthedoubleedgeofglobalization,its advancementandmarginalizationofwomen.Althoughproponentsof ...
The aim of this paper is to assess the extent of educational disparities among Ecuadorians attributed to their geographical location. For this purpose, a novel two-stage hierarchical decomposition of inequality for the half of the square of the coefficie
[…] Anchoring corporate responsibility in the second meaning of influence requires assuming, in moral philosophy terms, that ‘can implies ought’. But companies cannot be held responsible for the human rights impacts of every entity over which they may have some influence, because this would ...