Mass communication One wordtwo words or hyphenated? A journey throughThis master's project analyzes how advises writers to handle multiple-word phrases; organizes AP guidelines according to noun phrases, adjective phrases and more; offers multiple-choice quiz questions for study purposes; and points ...
In a text editing device, provided is an improved so-called wordout function, a word lying across two lines can be erased at one time with a single key operation. In case that a hyphen is located at the end of the line, it is determined that two divided parts of a single word are...
Their screed (no author named, of course) bristles with bizarre slashed compounds like “task/managerial” and even slashed, hyphenated (would that be “slashed/hyphenated”?) forms like “judgment/decision-making.” On page 17 we find an unintended admission of the motives of the mad slashers...