物業資料庫 觀塘 Two Harbour Square 中原工商舖 23/2/2021 [物業資料庫]Two Harbour Square於2017年落成,樓高27層。鄰近巴士總站及渡輪碼頭,交通方便。物業位處觀塘區,附近有不同銀行及食肆,區內更有大型商場,配套設施非常充足。立即睇片了解更多詳細資料。揾盤.放盤.成交一站通http://bit.ly/twoharbour...
金記冰室 (Two Harbour Square) Kam Kee Cafe (Two Harbour Square)的餐廳地址、電話、食評、相片及餐牌,餐廳位於 觀塘偉業街180號Two Harbour Square地下F&B 2號舖。
The Asia headquarters of Arcadis, the leading global Design & Consultancy for natural and built assets, has moved into a 78,000 sq. ft. office spread over three floors connected via internal staircases at Two Harbour Square, Kwun Tong. The 78,000 sq. ft. office s...